In addition to my my previous vouching for a Dynamo style forum to be incorporated here, there are few other things that should be added here:
There they have a superior method of viewing images. Already open and easily viewable. No additional dialog needed. Should be cake on mobile.
As one scrolls down the page, the post number, total number of posts and date appear at the same time. Very slick and efficient with a easy way to see the date of the original post as well as the time of the most recent reply along the top and bottom of the right hand side. Of importance <adjusts spectacles> to me, is that the Dynamo forum, both on the main/title page as well as any post one looks at, it shows up entirely filled on a screen. This and more makes Dynamo the template to follow.
At the Dynamo forum they use colored boxes to denote whether a topic is Revit or Civil 3D related, for example. Is it heresy to suggest the 3 (Main, Customization & Ideas) existing forums be rolled in to one? Sometimes mingling is good.
Lastly, at the Dynamo forum they have a specific thread/topic for feedback on a particular add-on or a third party package used under Dynamo, i.e. Camber. Users give their comments/critiques and others chime in and do give answers that resolve some issues (just like it happens here). Often the developers will respond when they realize that there is indeed an actual defect and in situations where there is a critical defect that needs immediate attention, such as the MLEADERLAYER issue that happened a half a year ago, we should have the ability to post about major defects in a public forum (so that others who are affected can see something similar is being felt by others) and to not have to resort to opening cases with Adesk (p.s. I have never done so) . To be partially fair, there have been some recent post where I've seen official replies to certain posts that resolves some of those problems. The point I'm trying to make is that there should be a public forum to which we can post to, if all other methods have not resolved a particular and genuine defect that users may be experiencing and that should be replied to "officially" by an Adesk representative and thereby colored and notated as such.