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Model coordination DWG Xrefs

Model coordination DWG Xrefs

Please improve the management of DWG files in model coordination.  Currently, if a DWG file has xrefs, the objects from the references drawing will all be processed as a single entity and will not retain their intelligence.  I would like to request the following improvements:


1.  Xrefs files are resolved and read into model coordination so that all objects in the DWGs are represented individually, similar to how Navisworks handles DWG xrefs


2.  File or object identifiers (i.e. element ID) are used to filter objects so that each file’s objects are only shown once in model coordination.  For example, if a DWG is referenced into two loaded drawings, the references will be resolved.  Since the same file is loaded twice, model coordination recognizes this and only loads the objects only once.  This would minimize false clashes and improve performance when Navisworks is used with model coordination.

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