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Delete BIM 360 Projects

Delete BIM 360 Projects

Currently you can only archive projects, even if its just a test project or if it was never activated there is no way to fully remove a project.


I would like the ability to delete a project fully, similar to what we can do in BIM 360 Team. We can archive projects as needed but if there is no reason to keep it I would prefer to just remove it to avoid confusion.



Not applicable

Any BIM Manager worth his weight would not let that happen. We do not need Autodesk to Archive our project for 5-10 years. Project is done. I archive and I download copy to our company archive folder. Then delete project off of BIM 360.

In five years if that comes up you then have a copy that has safely been backed up. 


What copy? A Revit model copy? It's a copy, not an original model. You can't present it as evidence in court. What about project history? And didn't your bank/military client specifically directed you to delete all data related to the project? And keeping it on your server you compromised their security?


@bshevelev The reason why this idea was posted is that now we only can archive projects but that we also need an extra option to delete eventually the project. We need both, not one or the other.
I also agree with @Anonymous that most customers will not rely only on BIM 360 to keep their data. They also want a backup on their servers.


Your client backed up the data from the BIM Cloud (the Revit model, the sheets, and whatever they decided to back-up. - not the official copies, anyway). Five years later, they came after you claiming that you didn't show the security equipment as you had agreed per the contract, and because of this, this and that happened. "Hold a second! I remember you marked it up in the Cloud to remove it from our drawings because you intended to buy different equipment installed by the vendor. Where is this mark-up?"

Not applicable

OK so even if i keep the project on the cloud for the security purposes you mentions. We are only legally required to keep the models and documents for 7 years. Even after 7 years with the way this works we are still unable to delete a 7 year old project.


Projects like diamonds, - they are forever.


  • In case the Client wants to limit access to the completed project data, they should store projects on their hubs.
  • In case the project data remains on the Architect’s hub, why delete it? Having the original design data gives an Architect a competitive edge in the bid for future work at the same site. The project can be used for reference/training for similar projects, etc. There are many other possible uses.
Not applicable
I would think you would be wise to have a back up on your computer or
external hard drive. You should be able to delete files and replace from
an outside location.

I would like to be able to delete my test projects, sandbox projects, or user opps projects.  


I would like to be able to delete my test projects


Some clients (not small clients, btw) require that we delete all project-related information when the project is complete. Our IT group is required to provide proof that we did our due diligence to remove the data. The clients do not have a BIM 360 hub of their own, and they don't want one. On some of these projects we would like to use BIM 360 for collaboration and we can't.


Frankly, Autodesk loses out on revenue because we aren't picking up the extra licenses for sub-consultants on these projects.


Autodesk, please give us the ability to delete archived projects.

Not applicable

Stop assuming it is only Architect and Design teams using this software. I work for an Electrical Contractor. We have our own glue account. We use the BIM docs and desktop Connector (C4R) for all projects. But we do not need to keep project. We are only legally required to keep a PDF set of the documents for 7 years.  We want to be able to delete. Also even if I partially agreed with some of the comments above about keeping the models for legal reason. Every ones has some test projects, Or projects that are so old they do not need and we do not want our archive cluttered with old test and archived projects. Bottom line regardless of if company does or does not need to keep a file for legal reasons. That is NOT Autodesk decision.  Other clients I am working with that I would like to invite to our HUB will not use purely because they cannot delete.  So @JohnDutz excellent point that Autodesk is losing Revenue. I know at least 5 other company's we work with that are not buying for this reason alone...


I just can't see ANY reason to oppose to this. To the people saying "But what if I need it in the future?", well... don't delete it and archive it? That's why it's there!

If you are legally required to keep project information, you'd be able to, and if you are legally required to delete it, whether it's contractually, or by government entities, you'd be able too. Oh, and another case: I'm working on implementing stuff with the API, and I got a ton of pointless projects, why would anyone suffer seeing these? 😛


Of course, not everyone should be allowed to delete projects, as it should require a higher permission that Project Admin. Account Admin would work, but something else would be fine.



Whether a project should be deleted is up to the user and it's at user's risk, but Autodesk should provide this functionality.


As a member of a design/build firm, we need this feature.  We collaborate with other firms through BIM 360 during the design phase.   Unfortunately our design is not always chosen, so we never garner a contract and thus there is no need to keep a documented record of the job.  It makes for lot of unnecessary clutter.

PLEASE consider adding this feature soon.  Thanks.


How is this still not resolved? It's absurd that in 2019 we cannot do a simple function like delete.


If anything just make a 'trash' folder that can hold the garbage forever, but out of sight. I'd prefer the trash not to get mixed with actual archived projects though.


If you don´t want us users to delete projects, at least make Analytics blind to their metrics. It nonsense that I can´t delete a project though it keeps being counted in BI numbers.


Agree with all above ☝️

Not applicable

Please provide Delete in BIM 360 - while you're at it fix Revit!


Can Autodesk please update the status of this request?

It'll soon be coming up 3 years since the OP request.

I've just created a test project to make sure this works for one of our projects. Didn't realise that you couldn't delete. Disappointing to see that this thread has been going since 2017 and nothing has been implemented. I understand that some organisations will require to review the data for auditing purposes but I would have thought the admin would have the ability to archive or delete.

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