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Delete BIM 360 Projects

Delete BIM 360 Projects

Currently you can only archive projects, even if its just a test project or if it was never activated there is no way to fully remove a project.


I would like the ability to delete a project fully, similar to what we can do in BIM 360 Team. We can archive projects as needed but if there is no reason to keep it I would prefer to just remove it to avoid confusion.




Thank you for continuing to communicate your requests & ideas for BIM 360.


We know project deletion is a meaningful gap for many of our customers. So we do intend to develop it as a capability in the future. However, we will not be delivering this capability in the next 6 months due to our focus on more urgent platform priorities.


As customers move forward from BIM 360 to the ACC unified platform, we expect the importance and the urgency for this feature to grow. As such, there are active internal discussions around how and when we can bring it to market.


Have they started an ACC Forum yet or is it still considered to be part of the BIM360 platform?


Besides the many good reasons identified by others for the ability to delete projects, I am wondering if the inability of project deletion will eventually result in AWS costs to ADSK going up for infrastructure usage - when this happens, I would prefer to NOT have these costs passed back to customer via EBA increases.  I am not looking for a model where we are charged based on amount of project data (I don't think), but the inability to delete information seems out of line with many best practices.  That being said, I am not sure if Cloud based ERP systems offered by Oracle of SAP have similar constraints (the commonality being the complexity of a "clean" deletion.  I am interested in hearing from ADSK on the reasons behind this - if we are unable to delete, having some sort of credit assigned for archived projects would be worth considering (knowing that this only addresses a potentially future financial impact)



@ross.collinson  wrote:
As customers move forward from BIM 360 to the ACC unified platform, we expect the importance and the urgency for this feature to grow. As such, there are active internal discussions around how and when we can bring it to market.

This statement is confusing. Many people here have provided reasons for why this is important, irrespective of platform. So it is unclear why this feature is conditional on when more people move from BIM 360 to ACC?

And when enough people do migrate to ACC, does that mean BIM 360 will still be left without a project deletion tool?


Just to state the obvious here - this is the TOP VOTED idea for 4 years running now. So an additional six months to study the issue seems kind of ridiculous from the customer's perspective.


I've posted on this before and will post again because I don't feel this functionality is optional or should continually be pushed out.  Users must have the ability to permanently delete data if requested by clients and adding this functionality needs to be prioritized.


I am a developer and have built a number of enterprise web apps. BIM 360 Collaboration Pro environment should provide the ability to delete accounts and projects. This is standard functionality that should be implemented in any web site app. The delete operation does not have to actually remove the records from the database. The records in the database can just be marked as inactive. The UI should only display the active items.


In addition, if Autodesk decides to actually remove any elements in the database; they could choose to persist this information for a specific retention period before actually removing it permanently. These are standard techniques used widely in the development community.

Ich bin User und Admin und in diesem Punkt vollkommen anderer Meinung. Wenn ich mich auf einem Portal wie BIM 360 anmelde, mache ich nichts anderes, als das ich meine Daten dort ablege.

Die Betreiber eines Portals sollten deshalb aber nicht bestimmen können ,wann und ob ich meine Daten endgültig lösche oder eben nicht lösche. Die Funktion, das ich meine Daten lediglich ins "Abseits" stelle ist gut und notwendig. Ein endgültiges löschen meiner Daten, ist jedoch zwingend erforderlich und sollte nicht von einem Cloudanbieter unterbunden werden können.



Just sharing a screenshot of what this issue looks like on the users end. It seems kind of silly, but our workaround at the moment is simply just renaming projects that need to be deleted "deleteme" in hopes that one day when this issue is resolved we'll be able to quickly identify which projects are ready to go.


Das ganze Theater um das Thema

" MEINE Daten gehören mir und ich muss die Daten löschen können, wann ICH es möchte !"

zeigt uns allen einmal mehr was es bedeutet wenn man sich als Firma in die Abhängigkeit großer Konzerne begibt,

oder begeben muss.

Nicht alle benutzen diese Produkte freiwillig, oder weil es die eben besten Produkte sind.

Die meisten Firmen benutzen die Produkte, weil die meisten anderen sie auch benutzen....

AUTODESK ist mit seinen Formaten .DWG und .RVT historisch betrachtet eindeutig am längeren Hebel.

Auch wenn das DWG-Format fast schon zum " open Source" Produkt geworden ist,

entscheiden sich größere Firmen immer noch für ACAD.

Und das obwohl es deutlich günstigere Softwareprodukte gibt, die ebenfalls das DWG-Format benutzen.

Niemand wird wegen der fehlenden Löschfunktion im Cloudbereich von AUTODESK den Anbieter wechseln.

Die Kosten und der Aufwand auf ein anderes Dateiformat ähnlicher Softwareprodukte zu wechseln, sind einfach zu hoch.

Der Kompromiss den Daten die ich eigentlich endgültig löschen möchte lediglich einen anderen Namen zu geben,

in der Hoffnung das AUTODESK irgendwann zur Vernunft kommt.......??

Ich bin nicht sicher ob das als Maßnahme zielführend ist.
@ross.collinson  wrote:
As customers move forward from BIM 360 to the ACC unified platform, we expect the importance and the urgency for this feature to grow. As such, there are active internal discussions around how and when we can bring it to market.

@Chad-Smith wrote:

This statement is confusing. Many people here have provided reasons for why this is important, irrespective of platform. So it is unclear why this feature is conditional on when more people move from BIM 360 to ACC?

And when enough people do migrate to ACC, does that mean BIM 360 will still be left without a project deletion tool


"Bring it to Market"...


shakes head


I think not being able to delete your own data is not logical.


Another year, another of Autodesk's failures to implement basic functionality in its products. I assume Autodesk has the ability to delete projects when requested by a large enough entity for security reasons, or we would have heard about a lawsuit by now.


There's a part of me that wants to create a script to create new ACC projects (project1, project2, project3...) as fast as possible and upload the largest Revit models I have to each just to see how long it takes for Autodesk to implement this feature.


I have replied to this topic before agreeing that the information owner should be able to delete it but as we grow and learn you can change your opinion regarding some issues 

learning more about ISO 19650 and how the information needs to be retained through the Asset Life cycle and the concept of long-term information management that the asset's information shall be always available for future reference, I think this option should not be introduced instead what Mr @SimonWhitbread said seems good

What I have had to do is archive all project files, delete them from the project site, then finally, "Archive" the empty project. End of the day, there is a way, its just more labor intensive and frustrating than it really should be.
Archiving projects is a current workflow. Our process is to archive them OFF of BIM360 vs using it as a long term storage solution. I suspect that at some point in the near future, Autodesk will start charging for storage.....just like so many other cloud based software developers are doing. Get you coming (Software Licensing & separate BIM360 licensing) and going...and while you are there (time based token solution, which I am sure is not far way I am sure)...UGH
OMG, you earned the best response Kev_D! lol Its Autodesk's world, we are just living in it and supporting their shareholder's profits.....

@Osama_Yasser Nothing about ISO 19650 is actually relevant here. BIM360 or ACC or whatever they're going to call it next year is not some new paradigm shift in records retainage. It's a Revit file on a server. We've had that for as long as Revit's existed, only thing that's changed is who owns the servers. Windows has let us delete files since its inception and yet we still manage to somehow restrain ourselves from hitting delete in the middle of a project, and maintain records for many years. We could even send copies to other project stakeholders back then too!


As @polstad said, you can still fully clean all of the project files out a project. So what's the problem with deleting the now empty container?


Ultimately, Autodesk is not the asset owner, designer, developer, or constructor, and by not providing a delete function is effectively taking ownership by force.


I assume Autodesk is benefitting in some way from not charging for storage. My guess is they're training an AI on all of the projects being uploaded, similar to say Finch. Remember, if it's free, you're not the customer, you're the product.

Well stated…nothing is “free”, they are benefiting somehow from this. I suspect you’re right, training their AI to replace user production at some point.

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