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Differentiate between different Iso information types by different blocks rather than having all use the same red sphere.

Differentiate between different Iso information types by different blocks rather than having all use the same red sphere.

In AutoCAD Plant 3D, when trying to add different Iso information symbols such as Iso message, Break Point, Insulation Symbol, Location Point, they all use the same block: P3dIsoSphere which is a red sphere. The only exceptions are Start Point and Flow Direction, using different blocks.


It would be nice to have a different block for each type in order to be able to differentiate between them easily in a drawing and know the purpose of each of the placed Iso information without having to select each separately and check its properties.


It can get difficult to differentiate between different information types, especially if used in a complicated project with many of them.

Community Visitor

The ideal would also be to have a different layer for each type of information.
This would make it easy to isolate them, especially for monitoring during the works.
And the top of the top would be to have info tips when you hover the mouse over the element (especially for Isos message).


You don't have to use isomessages, just create a new property on all engineering items called something like Note1, Note2, etc. and edit the isoconfig.xml to only display it if it's not blank with a filter.  Now you can edit those isomessages in datamanager/excel, they don't contain the jibberish that happens in normal iso messages, etc.

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