Your kmz consists of six points in Bhojay. The points are named A1 through A6. You would like to use MAPIMPORT to bring in the points and label them with their point name.
You can’t use Mapimport in Map3D to bring in kmz’s (or kml’s) with their point names. The Mapimport command will not ‘read’ the kmz’s (Placemark) data so it’ll just bring the the geometry, or the point itself.
To bring the points in along with their point names you’ll need to use third party software (not Goggle Earth Pro) and re-create your six points in another format such as shapefile. Alternatively, you may bring your kmz into a third party software and export your kmz file to shapefile.
<<QGIS, ArcMap, Arc Pro, Global Mapper are some examples of third party software.)>>
Mapimport has the option to retain the shapefile’s attribute data by converting it to Map3D’s Object Data. In addition to using Mapimport, you may also bring in the shapefile using M3D’s Data Connection and label the points using the shapefile’s Name attribute.
Kmz and kml formats have limited options when executing Mapimport in M3D.