Based on your uploaded images, using one of those coordinate systems will give you 'grid coordinates' in units of meters. (If you use PAK-I/a or PAK-II/a then your coordinates will be in Indian Yards, and whatever that is I don't know--refer to image named auto.jpg in Post #16.)
When you draw in Modelspace, you can use various units such as, but not limited to, millimeters, meters, inches, feet. This means when your drawing units are in meters and want to draw a circle with radius 3 meters, you would use the circle command and enter '3' for the radius. If your circle needed to be 7.25 meters, then you would enter '7.25' for radius. However, if your circle needs to be 500mm, then you would enter '0.5' for radius because 500mm is equal to one-half or 0.5 meter. If you accidentally enter 500 for the radius, then your circle would have a radius of 500 meters, not 500mm.
If you have to work in feet using a coordinate system that uses meters, you will need to convert all your feet numbers into meters. This means you will have to convert all your imperial measurements to metric. You will need to gather all your imperial measurements, put them in a spreadsheet then convert them using formulas: one formula for distance, another formula for area, etc. etc. Once you have converted all measurements, then you can efficiently draw using a Pakistani coordinate system.
Why must you convert the numbers? Because the drawing units in modelspace will inherit or adopt the units of the 'Assigned Coordinate System.' Since there is no out-of-the-box coordinate system for Pakistan that uses feet, you are relegated to using one that uses meters.
Only the United States still uses feet, all other countries use meters or have already switched from the King's Foot to metric. Yes, we are stubborn and like to go our own way.
One final note, your uploaded image named auto.jpg3.jpg indicates you have highlighted UTM84-42S. Do not use that coordinate system! If you want to use UTM coordinates, use UTM84-42N instead. The 'S' indicates a zone south of the equator while 'N' indicates a zone north of the equator. Since Pakistan is northern hemisphere, you will want to use UTM84-42N.