Problem is that I cannot get my text to appear when I DXF out. I have imported text from an excel file with first column being "-TEXT", then "X,Y" data point, with next column being "Angle" and finally the "Text" to appear on screen. When I paste this in AutoCAD it works great and goes exactly where I need it to. I found out that this is most likely not appearing on my DXF files due to it being in block format and needing to explode it in order to get it in vector form. Problem is I try to explode it says "1 was not able to exploded".
I have tried:
-changing my text font to dim.shx for straight lines instead of bubble letters
-changing my text from annotative to standard
-to change in the block editor - properties tab to allow exploding
-turning "use big font" off
-Checking off the "Annotative" in text style
-quick selecting text and turning "annotative" in properties to no
None of this seems to work. If anyone has any ideas it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for the files @bsmithWZSN5
Aren't these the "text' you are looking for in your DXF file?
Source DWG file
Or did I miss which/where the problems are?
Yes, in AutoCAD the text appears in DXF form. I am converting this to a DXF then opening it on a different software called "RDWorks", it is a software for my laser machine at work. The problem is the software does NOT recognize the text because it is not exploded and in the block form. It needs to be in vector/ exploded from AutoCAD in order for the "RDWorks" program to be able to read and execute.
The problem is that AutoCAD is restricting me from exploding this text, while I have tried multiple things the only solution I have came up with is using the command "WMFOUT" then opening a new drawing and using command "WMFIN" to bring it back in.
The problem with this is it is not scaling properly when I do so and precision is key for this. Hopefully I explained myself better here, I mainly need help converting this text into a readable exploded/ vector form.
Thank you for this information and the attempt I really appreciate it. My fear after seeing multiple things such as burst and other commands that are not supported by LT is that would be the case.
If you upgrade to LT 2024 with lisp capability, this lisp function explodes text beautifully. The source is acknowledged in the beginning.
;; Function to explode text
;; Written by Autodesk Community member "Mark", submitted in 2003
;; Link:
(defun C:WMF2L (/ ss1 vy vx vc vt ll ur ul fnm)
(setvar "CMDECHO" 0)(setvar "HIGHLIGHT" 1)
(setvar "OSMODE" 0)(setvar "MIRRTEXT" 1)
(setvar "WMFBKGND" 0)(setvar "WMFFOREGND" 0)
(setq fnm (strcat (getvar "TEMPPREFIX") "TempWMF.wmf"))
(if (setq ss1 nil ss1 (ssget))
(setq vy (getvar "VIEWSIZE")
vx (* vy (/ (car (getvar "SCREENSIZE"))(cadr (getvar "SCREENSIZE"))))
vc (getvar "VIEWCTR")
ll (list (- (car vc)(/ vx 2.0))(- (cadr vc)(/ vy 2.0)) 0.0)
ur (list (+ (car vc)(/ vx 2.0))(+ (cadr vc)(/ vy 2.0)) 0.0)
ul (list (car ll)(cadr ur))
vt (list (car vc)(cadr ur)) ) ;; top middle of view to mirror w/ vc
(command "_.MIRROR" ss1 "" vc vt "Y"
"_.WMFOUT" fnm ss1 "" "_.ERASE" ss1 "" "_.WMFIN" fnm ul "2" "" ""
"_.MIRROR" (entlast) "" vc vt "Y" "_.EXPLODE" (entlast)) )) (setvar "MIRRTEXT" 0) (princ) )
@AcmeMfgEng I am pretty sure the OP does not want the attribute converted to pure useless junk like your otherwise fine LISP offers to do
The post subject specifically states that the op cannot explode the text. I tested the lisp on the op's file and the text exploded just fine - I was simply providing a possible solution of which the op can take or leave.
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