Amost any modern computer will run well. You'll get best performance-per-dollar going with what would be considered a mid-level gaming rig - not an overclocked, water-cooled monstrosity, but not a web-browsing, movie-watching receptionists box either. Just somewhere in the middle. Don't dump all the budget on one part (e.g. dual 18-core Xeon processors with only 8 GB RAM, or a $10k Quadro video card in a 1.6 GHz i3 box), get a "good enough" of each part, with everything about the same quality. Don't get led down the road of multiple Crossfire/SLI video cards, large numbers of processing cores, and so on - many of these don't apply here.
And for Boole's sake - check the system requirements of your software *before* purchasing hardware and OS. If it doesn't say it supports Windows 10 (or 8.1, or Vista, or ...) make sure you have an option to downgrade/upgrade to a supported operating system.
If you are going to fly by the seat of your pants, expect friction burns.
"I don't know" is the beginning of knowledge, not the end.