I checked your drawing and lineweight appears to be working with no issues.
A simple test you can do to be confident in how things are working in the supplied drawing is to open the block that is in the top view of your left-most assembly drawing example. Double click it or right-click and open the block editor.
Then draw a few offensive lines across your block and notice that their lineweight property is set as BYLAYER. Change their lineweight to .8 or something large and offensive.
Now ensure that lineweight display is turned on by setting LWDISPLAY to a value of 1.
Notice in the block editor that your new lines are indeed thicker appearing than your original gray lines (.05mm).
You should also verify for yourself that the appearance is similar outside of the block editor.
Exit the block editor and save your changes.
Again, turn on LWDISPLAY and zoom in to verify that you see a lineweight difference.
The undo command is handy so that you can reverse your changes. Or you could close and re-open your drawing without saving.
As others have suggested, it is most appropriate to use your layers and assign lineweight for best performance and efficiency.
Set all of your entities in the drawings and in the blocks to BYLAYER and place objects on layers appropriately. Then set a desired color, lineweight, or linetype for your layers.
I see you are using layers so some extent now but maybe try a bit more usage.
Hope this helps,
Blaine Young
Senior Engineering Technician, US Army