Hi Sylvester,
>>"What is a user Profile in cad?"
Autocad related settings, saved in the registry (you exported them as .arg file) as a named bundle.
It's Windows-User specific, but each user can create multiple (AutoCAD)Profiles.
Settings which are
1. not saved in a drawing file
2. and which are not a "global setting" of this installation.
You can save this (huge) bundle of settings by a name (Profilename)
and you can have multiple profiles.
For example you have prefered settings for customerA and vor customerB you have to change 25 settings.
Create ProfileA for customerA and ProfileB for CustomerB, so you dont have to change 25 settings, just the profile (and Acad will change 25 settings for you)
>>"I exported from one computer and imported to another computer but dont see my set ups like quick properties pop up when a items is selected."
If the source program and targert program is the same (ACAD2024 -> ACAD2024 for example)
and you want to transfer the most settings and data, you should use the EXPORT / IMPORT settings Tool.
>>"I have other commands as well that I would like to import into a different computer."
Which one, we can't tell about unknown things.
- - - -
>>"but dont see my set ups like quick properties pop up when a items is selected. "
well, the QPMODE setting[https://help.autodesk.com/view/ACD/2024/ENU/?guid=GUID-1803CDBC-C0C9-4AB9-B76B-FF6AB214D97B] is a special thing.
I don't know why, but for me (personally) it is a bug of the programmer who created this part of programming.
The setting storing at an unusual place which is not part of your Userprofile and not part of the export/import settings bundle.
You tried it the right way, but qpmode ist not part of your profile.