Here's an example of a drawing with my block.
All the info in the red block is automatically filled in by another program with all the project info. The block I made has info for that sheet only, and has a visibility state to select the person who made the drawing (including his signature, that's why it's a visibility parameter).
When I make the sheet final, it also automatically generates the green texts in Screenshot_4; version A, B, C etc. including date, person and reason for creating a new version. The problem is, every final version needs have a 4, and the program making the revisions only can only add an A, B, C etc. So that's why I made these attributes.
When I want to make all sheets final, version B for example, I want to select all the blocks in the *.dwg and fill in attribute A and B both with a 4.
I can do it sheet by sheet, but that takes a long time (it happens with other projects and blocks also) and I want to keep it as attributes since sometimes only sheet X needs to get a new version, and the others must stay the same.
Hope I explained it good,