True exploded views are readily available in applications geared for mechanical modeling, like Inventor. You can fake AutoCAD into working around an exploded view, but it is not native to the application, nor should it be. Use the RIGHT tool for the job.
As for model documentation; Autodesk, driven by an obsolete 2D minset prevalent at AUGI, has for decades attempted a wrong-headed approach to presenting model information in drawings. The results are lunacy like FLATSHOT, VIEWBASE (from the obsolete Rel.12 SOLxxx concepts) and the horrendously heavy-handed annotative hoodoo. Instead of wasting their time (and ours) on such silliness, all that was ever really necessary was fix DIMASSOC=2 in paperspace, provide a fast and efficient 3DClipping tool (not 3DCLIP), provide a VPCLIP by MS object, and provide drawing based (instead of printer based) hidden linetype control for OBSCUREDLTYPE.
Instead of improving these SIMPLE solutions, they expend untold workhours creating unnecessarily complex "features" to not just support the wrong-headed 2D mindset but entrench and expand it. Just look at ALL the hoodoo you are going through on this thread. Those four features above would make all the 2D model documentation efforts wholly obsolete. Maybe if someone at Autodesk or at AUGI would get their minds out of the 2D gutter we might see REAL improvements in model documentation. Stop trying to step on 3D models to provide 2D facsimile cartoons and just use the frelling model in the drawings.
(before anyone points out the feedback site or the AUGI wishlist, I've been banging that drum since the 90's, too many people at AUGI shackled by 2D drafting concepts developed pre-DaVinci)