the wipeout option would work great if you could control the drawing order of the base view objects, which you can not...
This leaves me with one of two options...
Use the Export Layout to Model to create a new "flatshot" of the views as they sit on the exploded diagram layout
Since I can obtain the information from the drawing views with a stroll through a filtered selection set constraining it to drawingview objects...
replace the overlapping base view objects with the blocks contained in that file (AutoCAD converts drawing view objects into blocks when you export the layout)
insert the blocks and scale them to match the original drawingview objects.
you can then use refedit to create a boundary polyline of the surfaces which you can then turn into a wipeout to put behind the surfaces and close the reference edit saving the changes.
=====>Quick question...if you Export Layout to Model of a shaded base view does it create the boundary polyline for you?
Finally, the overlapping drawing view objects can be removed leaving you with one baseview and multiple blocks (now with a background mask) atop one another.
A lisp/vba routine would handle this nicely.
Problem is, you lose any association with the model as posted earlier in this topic. If needed, that can be solved by attaching a reactor to the model and when your blocks are changed, a prompt could ask you if you wanted to update the exploded view now (i.e., delete the blocks you inserted and run the whole shebang again), or before plotting/closing.
the other solution is to use a script to separate the model in modelspace to create the exploded diagram relative to the current view
pdf-plot the model using a hidden view and reassemble the model
finally, pdfattach the exploded diagram into your paperspace layout however possible/desired.
The second one seems simpler to me, but the shadeplot capability sometimes draws undesired lines on the surfaces.
I am willing and able to write the scripts in either vba/lisp...just need input from other gents on which path to follow...