Need to Have Consistent Arcs in Polylines
I'm working on a technical drawing which contains a lot of polylines with arcs. Geometrically speaking, it's a very simple drawing. The line segments are either horizontal or vertical, and the arcs only exist between horizontal line segments. The intent is all the arcs are actually semicircles (180 degrees) with the same diameter (NOTE: diameter = chord length at 180 degrees).
The issue is, I completed the drawing by doing all the polylines/arcs by hand. This has led to lots of inconsistencies in size and shape. This makes the drawing ugly and unprofessional looking (subjective) but also hard to read (objective). I can go through all the line segments and edit the vertices to make them consistently spaced. I can also edit the vertices of the arcs so all of my arcs have the same chord length. However, when editing the "height" above the lines, I can only do it by hand, and it doesn't give me the numerical values I need to even do it correctly by hand (this "height" should be half the chord length to make it a semicircle) and I don't know a command I can use to just change that one parameter. If it was a standalone arc, not as part of a polyline, I know what commands I could use. But those commands don't seem to work for an arc in a polyline. I also need a method that's relatively efficient as I'll have to repeat the steps many times over.
I'm using Windows 10 with AutoCAD 2018.
Background (not necessary to answer my question, but if you're curious):
I'm doing electrical wiring diagrams. The semicircles are "jumps" that show that wires are crossing but not connected to each other. In previous jobs I have used AutoCAD Electrical or Visio to do these drawings, as they can do these "jumps" automatically. However, at this job I do not have access to either of these programs (or ANY add-ins to AutoCAD, only the base package), so I'm trying to find a "cookbook" method to do this as efficiently as possible.