I am writing an IGES exporter and testing the files in the AutoCAD online viewer. Whilst I can successfully import the parameterized from of the Right Circular Cylindrical Surface entity 192, (Form 1, DE Field 15), the unparameterized form (Form 0, DE Field 15) fails to import. The lateral face of the cylinder vanishes and the ends of the cylinder(s) are not always visble. At first I thought it might be a winding issue in my Loop entity for the lateral surface of the cylinder, but after trying umpteen files, I am at a loss as to what the problem is. The file imports successfully into FreeCAD, IGS viewer and ShareCAD. I wondered if a developer who is responsible for AutoCAD IGES import might be able to clarify. Is the unparameterized from of IGES entity 192 supported? Thanks in advance for any help.
Nicholas Shea.
Although I am not a developer, I would like to do some research on this issue. Could you please attach this IGES file in the forum? Then we can take a look at if there is any limitation or anything improved point.
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Dear Stewart Li.
I hope this reply finds you safe and well. Thank you for answering my post. I have tried replying to you several times, but unfortunately, I seem unable to post AutoCAD forum messages (using Firefox on Windows 10). I sent you a personal message explaining the problem in detail. I hope you received it.
Best wishes,
Nicholas Shea
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