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Editable Attributes

Message 1 of 2
136 Views, 1 Reply

Editable Attributes

Is there a way to create a block with editable attributes (green) that will allow me to edit what is in (green) while having whats in (red) stay constant and move around what was written in (green)?


Example of what I mean:


editable attribute that allows me to change text (12 & 133.25) while moving lbs according depending on the length of the new text.


=____ LBS --->  =12 lbs


=____ LBS --->  =133.25 lbs





Message 2 of 2
in reply to: Anonymous

Here's a workaround:


  1. Create a label block with 3 attributes: LBS, WNZ and RESULT.
  2. Set LBS and WNZ invisible value to Yes.
  3. Type FIELD, select OBJECT, click the Select Object Button (crosshair icon) and select the LBS attribute.
  4. Select the complete line below Field Expression, press CTRL+C to copy the content and hit the Cancel button.
  5. Double-click the RESULT attribute. In the Default: textbox type "POLE IN " and press CTRL+V to paste de previously copied string.
  6. Repeat steps 3 to 5 for the WNZ attribute.
  7. Add a dummy Visibility Parameter just to convert the block into dynamic (you can use any other dynamic block parameter).
  8. Save changes and exit Block Editor.
  9. In model space, insert a new block and set some LBS and WNZ values.


To update/reflect changes:


  1. Change the dummy visibility state (or any other dynamic parameter you've created).
  2. Type REGEN.


Please see the attached result.

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