well, it can depend on your memory contrary to the memory the creator of that drawing has built in.
It could also be the case that this file was not created with AutoCAD, maybe it's an export of any 3D-modelling systems and not really used to work with that drawing, just an export for documentation/to plot or so.
>> Is there any provision to make a Autocad file such a big size
>> and other people not to open the file?
Maybe there were well structured blocks in the dwg-file, but were exploded to "unstructure" the dwg-file to make it more complex or impossible to continue with the file.
But in that case I would know methods quite easier that creates a dwg-file with just a few KB and systems with e.g. 16GB can't open them.
If you want to share the dwg-file we can try to open it on our systems.
- alfred -
ISH-Solutions GmbH / Ingenieur Studio HOLLAUS
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CDay 2025------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(not an Autodesk consultant)