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AutoCAD 2018 - Layouts loosing associativity with models via base views & section/detail views corrupting


AutoCAD 2018 - Layouts loosing associativity with models via base views & section/detail views corrupting


Hey there,

I'm having difficulty wrangling the layouts when it comes to dimensions - after creating a base view from model space, sometimes the model will only be interactive once per a view then no longer can be O-snapped to with any dimension command. I don't understand what is causing it - non of the views or layers are frozen. But it comes and goes. Copying and pasting the model temporarily fixes it but after a while it seems to go back to the same behavior.

Also had a complete drawing turn into spaghetti after the section and detail views exploded with no explanation. Could it be data corruption or some kind of bug? What could I do to mitigate this?

I'm running AutoCAD 2018 on Windows 7 x64, Nvidia GeForce GTX 470 Intel i7 960, 16GB RAM.

I'll attach the .dwg files; the one dated 26th is the latest with the corrupt views & 23rd is before.

2 Replies
Replies (2)

Autodesk Support
Autodesk Support

Hi @gamma.tecnicast,


I see that you are visiting as a new member to the AutoCAD forum. Welcome to the Autodesk Community!


Thank you for sharing the drawing file, I did have a chance to take a look at it. I can see that the dimensions are becoming disassociated with the viewbase views. This can occur from file corruption as you mentioned, but most commonly occurs when a model has been edited or a part has been moved. 


An AUDIT did find some corruption in both files, the following Autodesk Knowledge Network (AKN) articles can help with this:


I was able to associate the dimensions afterward running an AUDIT and PURGE


If you are regularly editing your model or changing the views, you can control the visibility of the disassociated markers:


To hide the yellow alerts on dissociated dimensions in AutoCAD

To Associate or Reassociate a Dimension | AutoCAD


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All the best,


Cheryl Buck
Technical Support Specialist

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Hey Cheryl,

Thank you for the reply.

I've attempted audit and purge when this problem occurs but this doesn't seem to fix the problem for me. Audit finds nothingAudit finds nothing

AUDIT doesn't pick up any errors for me (perhaps a bug of the version I am using?) and PURGE only removes data not in use. I have discovered that it will typically happen after I isolate and unisolate layers or objects - then all associated VIEWBASE views are highlighted as out of date. As soon as I update the views all the dimensions can no longer interact with the 2D projection as normal, they can only select o-snap points once and refuse to become re-associated.

Drawing functionalDrawing functional


Drawing that is about to become brokenDrawing that is about to become brokenDrawing brokenDrawing broken


Moving the solid in model space has only displaced views in Layout but never caused them to break in this way. Sometimes this resolves by selecting another object in model space then selecting the original but this has seldom been successful.