Some of us use our laptop both at the office and when traveling. We have the AeData folder copied to the network and the network path is added to the top of the Support File Search Path. But we still have to rename the local AeData folder or AutoCAD Electrical will continue to use it. Please force the software to check the Support File Search Path first, before using to the local AeData folder. Then we don't have to rename it.
Another issue is that we must adjust the path statement for PLC and Libs folders in the Support File Search Path, if these are moved to the network. But when we want to work away from the office, these paths are not available, and when we start AutoCAD Electrical, it deletes these two path statements, since it cannot find them, rather than reverting to the local path. This started happening with release 2014.
I think that there should be a dialog that allows us to toggle between two different Support File Search Paths. Don't force us to change profiles. Include a Network/Local setup dialog inside of AutoCAD Electrical. It should have fields with a Browse button to allow us to set up two different paths (Local and Network) to the AeData folder, Libs, PLC, Template (for drawing templates) etc., along with a button that allows us to toggle between the two paths. If a restart is required, this procedure would offer to save all open drawings and restart AutoCAD Electrical. This should probably be located under the main pull-down menu list, by clicking on the big "A" at the top left.