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Fixing Data shortcut for drawing production

Fixing Data shortcut for drawing production

We need an option when importing an Xref to "disable synchronisation" of nested D-ref's.


Civil 3D is a slow program and when Projects contain a lot of d-ref'd Civil3D Objects (Surfaces, pipe networks, etc) it takes ages to load a drawing definition file with these objects referenced directly.


So, you would Think D-ref'ing the objects to a "middle" file and Xref'ing this middle file to the drawing definition file would solve the problem - as Xref is a "dumbed-down" reference where you end up with less options to manipulate the referenced objects.


Wrong. Even when we Xref a file containing Dref's we need to sit and wait for the middle file to synchronize all Surfaces, pipe networks, etc.


I'd rather let the engineer make the descision to update all references or not - as he knows better than Civil3D wheter or not the source objects has been modified or not since last time he opened the drawing definition.


see this post for further discussion:


 +1 anything to solve data shortcut performance is a + in my view!!


100% This has been plaguing production for too long and not an unreasonable request in the slightest.


If corridor dref's worked properly, I don't see any reason to have it enabled at all but a system variable would be preferred.

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