Because I don’t want to spam the ideas section, I would like to voice my opinion and experience with Alias here. Please see don't regard this as an affront to all the work put into Alias, but rather as means to discuss the software to potentially improve it. So feel free to comment (and disagree !).
Amongst all the programs I have used, Alias is by far the most mouse centred for command input. This puts users at a higher risk of developing RSI related injuries. In general, I think that a good UI reduces mouse movement, avoids repetitive input through a hybrid between keyboard shortcuts and mouse clicks. As a rule of thumb, I prefer short clicks over longer clicks & drags, prefer hotkeys over consecutive mouse flicks in marking menus or clicks on icons for activation and prefer to use the least number of modifiers to be pressed down to activate a command, all to reduce muscle strain and thereby alleviating RSI related issues for end-users.
From my experience with Alias I have compiled a list of ideas provided some examples with other recommendations, Note that I have a CAD background (hence my preferences in the “Tools” chapter and am still new to Alias. I hope this could be of use anyways!
Missing commands?
Here are a few things I haven’t found (yet):
With such brilliant math at its foundation to accomplish class-A surfacing, one can only dream of a UI that is a little more user friendly and intuitive.
I'll let the product team reply about the input/interaction mechanisms but about the last paragraph of your post:
How to hide/disable all the locators:
It's under Window Display > Toggles > Locators and yes it's hotkey-able.
How to select all visible objects:
It's under Pick > Object Types > All Objects/Lights (it's hotkey-able). As the tool name says, it picks lights that are visible so just hide them before picking.
Is the “Curve Snap options” dialog hotkeyable so you can open it near the mouse cursor?
No that does not seem possible at the moment. I thought that this would be under the "Special" section in the "Hotkeys/Menu Editor".
Is the degree/span dialog box hotkeyable to open along the mouse cursor and/or can press a hotkey to jump to the input box?
Yes - It's called the "Rebuild Parent" tool but inside of the hotkey editor it's called something else. Open the hotkey editor and go under Special > Modelling Functions > Toggle Degree Spans Window. Pressing whatever hotkey you assgn to it will make the window appear right next to your mouse cursor.
@shinji-ponsThanks, that helps a lot.
Since I can no longer edit my original post, I'll post a few more here:
So I just found out about the tool locator, which is really nice actually! With a few tweaks and functionality upgrades it could accomodate a keyboard centered workflow, allowing it to transcend a simple search utility. I've been giving it some though and am hoping to see:
For me the most serious limitation with the current hotkey system is the inability to toggle tool options or at least inconsistency of opening them; I can assign a hotkey to WindowDisplay > Transparancy, but if it doesn't open the associated option window, it's useless. For some tools it opens, (See post #1 > Tools: nr. 10.) for some it doesn't.
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