It's been said many times on this forum and by many people that there are numerous tools in Build that need to be made available to Docs for design use. This includes Forms.
When you think about Forms in the build process you understand that they are used for Quality and Safety records. That is, a Form is a record of activities or compliance to ensure that onsite procedures are done correctly.
The same applies to the design stages of a project that are performed in Docs, Design Collaboration, or even Model Coordination. The design process requires that client and regulatory requirements are met, and therefore it needs a way to record it.
Docs goes some way towards this with Reviews. But that only shows that a review was performed. It does not capture the requirements against which the review was measured.
And this is why we really need Forms to be integrated into Docs.
We need the ability to capture and track any and all design requirements, and preferably done so against a Review.