wagner.sz wrote:
Yes, iam using Quicksilver as the renderer.
After press Render button, the progress remains at 0% forever until I click on the screen and force the program to close.
I am animating some objects using slice modifier to "show" the objects.
My pc: i7 3770 3,5ghz, 16gb ram, nvidia gtx 650 ti.
Hmmm...never seen that one before. Could be your Hardware Shader Cache contains a corrupted file.
A few questions first:
-What version of Max are you using?
-Does this happen with any scene?
-Was Quicksilver working before and this issue was a recent development?
At the moment I would try a reset of Max. Perform the following:
-Ensure that 3ds Max is not running.
-For Windows 7/8 navigate to the following path (These paths include hidden folders, so be sure to enable the ability to see hidden folders in Windows).
-C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Autodesk\3dsMax(or 3dsMaxDesign)\201X – 64(or 32)bit\enu
-rename the “enu” folder to “enu.old”
-When 3ds Max is restarted a new “enu” folder with its associated contents will be created.
Keep in mind that this will return Max to its "just installed" freshness so you'll lose any customization that you may have done. If this doesn't get Quicksilver working you can undo this procedure by deleting the new ENU folder and renaming the old one back to what it was.
Ben Bisares