How do you map something like this? (For the record: it's low-poly cuz it's for a game rather than video.)

I mean, for one, how do you put any kind of map on a torus in the first place? I'm sure it comes with one, but that's been more or less lost during the modeling process; what little you can see is pretty messed up compared to what's intended.
For another, what about that bend in the hose? How do I make sure that the bitmap doesn't stretch unnaturally?
I've tried using Unwrap UVW, but I'll be perfectly honest: except on completely flat objects, I basically never use it.
I've tried for ages, but I've never been able to understand it; the interface is arcane and tutorials (or the MAX documentation) has never helped. I do what they say to do and get wildly different results than what was promised. Or I get results that are so jumbled and bent and curved and flattened that it's unusable.
Or I'm told to click on something that doesn't seem to be there at all.
And yet, Unwrap UVW seems like my only hope when it comes to this kind of thing.
Ugh. I could really use some help on this one. Thanks.