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Shift+Drag for extrude and inset

Shift+Drag for extrude and inset

Shift key on faces should behave like shift key with edges,

If you transform polygons while pressing shift it should extrude the polygons (or inset if you are scaling instead of moving).

To not lose the duplicate behaviour it has now (shift+drag to duplicate polygons) the duplicate polygons should happen with a different shortcut, could be control+v(like clone object), control+shift, alt+shift…




Community Manager
Status changed to: Future Consideration
Not applicable

Please, expand this idea to include internal edges and vertices extrusion. This would unify all extrusions with the same key and would avoid to be forced to enter in a tool (extrude) and leave it each time we want to do a extrusion. A lot less key bashing.


I think it would make using Max for modeling a lot more pleasant. Think for example what would happen if we remove extrude external edges from shift and we are forced to use a tool. It would be a lot less efficient.






Spline ends could also use this. Feels a bit unintuitive that I can shift+drag open edges but not open spline ends.

Status changed to: Implemented

These features are now part of 3ds Max 2021.1 . Thank you for your great ideas!

Not applicable

@shawnolson How to activate this function in 2021.1 ?

In 3ds Max 2021.1 you need to be on an Editable Poly or have an Edit Poly modifier on your mesh. From there enter into the face component mode, select your face(s), and then hold SHIFT + LMB (Drag) to extrude when using the move tool, or when you are using the scale tool, this will Inset-extrude.


The clone functionality was moved to CTRL + SHIFT + LMB (Drag)


Hi, Is it possible to revert to the old poly face SHIFT Drag copy method? I don't think It is a good idea to introduce a new feature into an old method and change the shortcut to the old method for a new feature...

Not applicable
OP's use of the word "should" throughout his post is quite debateable. It's still shift-drag in an Editable Mesh, not to mention shift-drag on an object still clones it, so now we have it inconsistently implimented. I don't think it's inconsistent use compared to edge extrude trumps it's consistent use in several other major places. I just crashed Max 3 times today before realizing Shift was attempting an extrude in Editable Poly in 2021 and coming here. I'll be crashing Max for some time to come with this change. Thanks Jimbob on the internet.

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