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One UI file

One UI file

I'm not sure how many hours I spent reorganizing Max's UI. In total it must be days or weeks. Sometimes it's because Max crashed so hard that everything reset. Other times it's because there is a new version, or maybe it's because Max just feels like watching me redo my whole UI because it's programmed that way or it's evil in some way, I'm not really sure. In any case, I'm getting very tired of making my toolbars again, setting my hotkeys again or making my own Quad menu again (and there are some many other things). Now I hear you think, but you can save a file with the settings in it so it's not a lot of work. Well yes, but just now Max crashed when loading my Quad menu preset and it deleted my preset file with it, so I have to do it yet again. And I'm not even talking about the bugs that are there that makes Max forget certain UI things every time I reboot Max. This has been a problem since Max 2018 and still HAS NOT BEEN FIXED!

So, I would greatly appreciate it(!) if there was a way to save the WHOLE UI with everything in it that I changed to ONE file. One file that I can load that fixes everything, no compromise ONE UI file. I have multiple computers and so with this I can just load/sync a central file to all of my work computers. Please make it this and make a lot of people happy! I'm sure I'm not the only one struggling with this. (and please don't take 5 years to implement this)




잘... 저장 UI를 실행하면 이 모든 것이 저장됩니다(+키보드를 사용할 수도 있음). 모든 파일이 한 번에 저장되며 모든 파일을 한 번에로드 할 수 있습니다.
플러그인의 경우 다른 방법을 사용해야하지만 그 외에는 모두 잘 작동합니다. (플러그인의 경우 기존 폴더를 덮어써서 해결할 수 있습니다. 그러나 플러그인은 다소 자유롭게 작성되기 때문에 외부 폴더를 참조할 수 있습니다. 3ds Max에서 이 모든 것을 제어할 수는 없습니다.) 무엇이 문제입니까?


Max needs to overhaul its UI functionality, it's way too clunky to setup/save configurations in its current form. 


That said, you can save custom UI, which (I believe) can the be loaded into Max on other computers. Doesn't grab everything, though, annoyingly.


Alternatively, you can save a copy of the ENU folder once you have everything setup the way you want it. Then copy that to overwrite the default Max ENU folder after a crash/UI corruption. Not sure if that can be copied to other PCs though. 

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