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Infinite perspective grid

Infinite perspective grid

Hello, it's my first suggestion here, I don't know if anyone has already given this idea.


It is possible to update the Grid from the viewport perspective to something "infinite" like Houdini, c4d, blender... It seems simple, but it is very pleasant and useful in many animation projects. 





There are definitely situations where an "infinite" grid would be useful, like when modelling environments you don't know the final bounds of in the perspective view. Not having to extend the grid when you want to extend the bounds would be a quality of life thing.


My thoughts on this are:

• Make it optional and not a permanent thing.

• An "infinite" grid should not always be clipped by the clipping planes, something that would be counterintuitive to a grid that is supposed to be "infinite". Even without manual viewport clipping there is always a clipping happening that is based on what I think is the pivot furthest away from the world origin multiplied by two. This means an "infinite" grid would risk being cut off, and would perhaps need to be rendered separately.


It would indeed be useful. For the time being, if you already didn't know, a limited work-around is to go into snap settings, home grid tab and increase the Perspective View Grid Extents to the maximum 1000. This will make it at least bigger than the default size. But yeah, it's apparently limited to 1000 units so it's a limited work-around.


As a workaround (and in addition to making your home grid really large) I wanted to point out that a Camera view has a "Show Horizon Line" checkbox. 

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