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Also check out how the the depth attribute of the bevel tool allows negative numbers, to have the bevel go into the opposite direction,
it ranges from -1 (inward) to 1 (outward), 0 will make it flat
3ds Max has a tension option but it ranges from 0 to 1, where 0 is outward and 1 is flat.
The other thing is edge flow, like mentioned by @Anonymous, which also applies to cases like the following.
It gets even worse when you are using the Min. Angle option
Maya handles these cases as I would expect it, though it doesn't have that cool Min. Angle option.
Also note that there are cases where Mayas algorithm fails, where 3d Max shows correct behaviour.
This is probably a very specific cases, but it's a tedious one to fix when modeling.
It also kind of elminates the use of the parametric/stack behaviour of 3ds Max, since you always have to put a edit poly modifier on top, to fix those issues. Edit Poly is a destructive modifier, since it's heavily dependend on the incoming geometry, not really allowing any further changes to the incoming geometry after it has has been applied, thus it's usually best to be avoided when trying to keep things as parametric as possible.
As of 3ds Max 2018.4 the extrude method works as expected (read: "has been fixed") (nice!), but why not still keep the option to use the old way it worked?
There might be cases where that is of use as well. I know backwards compatibility is a hard thing to maintain and sometimes you have to throw out old stuff to make space for something new, but in this case I wouldn't consider it a fix, but rather more a different option on how the extrude can behave. I think what I'm trying to say is, when you tackle those issues/requests/ideas, try to evaluate how much the old thing is still of use and keep it as an option and not just replace it.
Thank you for reading/listening 🙂
I'll post more stuff when I find the time todo it.
I haven’t tested these particular cases again, but in the recent versions of Max the chamfer option/modifier got a lot of love from the dev-team and received a pretty big feature set through several iterations!
Take a look at the documentation, to see what’s available: