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Message 1 of 5
541 Views, 4 Replies

LNK errors

Can someone help me solve this? I am trying to return a result buffer of points to use in selecting some lines. The compiler errors are:



1> Creating library C:\Documents and Settings\Ralph Gaston\My Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\Headers\Win32\/Headers.lib and object C:\Documents and Settings\Ralph Gaston\My Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\Headers\Win32\/Headers.exp

1>Headers_Utility.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "class AcGePoint3d __cdecl GetMidPoint(class AcDbLine *)" (?GetMidPoint@@YA?AVAcGePoint3d@@PAVAcDbLine@@@Z) referenced in function "struct resbuf * __cdecl GetWindowPoints(class AcDbObjectId,class AcDbObjectId)" (?GetWindowPoints@@YAPAUresbuf@@VAcDbObjectId@@0@Z​)

1>C:\Documents and Settings\Ralph Gaston\My Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\Headers\Win32\/MLAWHeaders.arx : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals


function and code that uses it:


/return the points to use for a crossing window between 2 parallel lines.
//the 4 points will be inset 1 unit to the inside, and 6 units offset from
//a line connecting the midpoints of the lines.
struct resbuf *GetWindowPoints(AcDbObjectId Line1Id, AcDbObjectId Line2Id)
	AcDbLine *pLine1;
	acdbOpenObject(pLine1, Line1Id, AcDb::kForRead);
	//get line points
	AcGePoint3d sp1 = pLine1->startPoint();
	AcGePoint3d ep1 = pLine1->endPoint();
	AcGePoint3d mid1 = GetMidPoint(pLine1);

	AcDbLine *pLine2;
	acdbOpenObject(pLine2, Line2Id, AcDb::kForRead);
	AcGePoint3d sp2 = pLine2->startPoint();
	AcGePoint3d ep2 = pLine2->endPoint();
	AcGePoint3d mid2 = GetMidPoint(pLine2);

	//get the unit vector from the midpoint of 1 to the midpoint of 2
	AcGeVector3d VecMid1_Mid2;
	VecMid1_Mid2.x = mid2.x - mid1.x;
	VecMid1_Mid2.y = mid2.y - mid1.y;
	VecMid1_Mid2.z = mid2.z - mid1.z;
	VecMid1_Mid2 = VecMid1_Mid2.normalize();

	//get the unit vector in the direction of line1
	AcGeVector3d VecSp1_Ep1;
	VecSp1_Ep1.x = ep1.x - sp1.x;
	VecSp1_Ep1.y = ep1.y - sp1.y;
	VecSp1_Ep1.z = ep1.z - sp1.z;
	VecSp1_Ep1 = VecSp1_Ep1.normalize();
	//using line1's midpoint, add vectors to get 1 unit toward
	//line 2 and 6 units perpendicular to midpoint vector (each side)
	double OffsetOutDist = 6;
	double InsetDist = 1;
	AcGePoint3d pt1 = mid1 + InsetDist * VecMid1_Mid2 + OffsetOutDist * VecSp1_Ep1;
	AcGePoint3d pt2 = mid1 + InsetDist * VecMid1_Mid2 - OffsetOutDist * VecSp1_Ep1;

	//now using line2's midpoint, do it again. Points must be obtained
	//in order to get a box instead of an x
	AcGePoint3d pt3 = mid2 - InsetDist * VecMid1_Mid2 - OffsetOutDist * VecSp1_Ep1;
	AcGePoint3d pt4 = mid2 - InsetDist * VecMid1_Mid2 + OffsetOutDist * VecSp1_Ep1;

	//organize the points into a result buffer
	ads_point adsPt1, adsPt2, adsPt3, adsPt4;
	adsPt1[X] = pt1.x; adsPt1[Y] = pt1.y; adsPt1[Z] = pt1.z;
	adsPt2[X] = pt2.x; adsPt2[Y] = pt2.y; adsPt2[Z] = pt2.z;
	adsPt3[X] = pt3.x; adsPt3[Y] = pt3.y; adsPt3[Z] = pt3.z;
	adsPt4[X] = pt4.x; adsPt4[Y] = pt4.y; adsPt4[Z] = pt4.z;

	struct resbuf *rbPointList;
	rbPointList = acutBuildList(RTPOINT, adsPt1, 
								RTPOINT, adsPt2, 
								RTPOINT, adsPt3, 
								RTPOINT, adsPt4, 
	return rbPointList;

	struct resbuf *GetWindowPoints(AcDbObjectId Line1Id, AcDbObjectId Line2Id);
	struct resbuf *rbPointlist;
	rbPointlist = GetWindowPoints(JambLine1Id, JambLine2Id);

         ads_name WallsInOpenings;
	if(!WallSelSetFromPoints(WallsInOpenings, rbPointlist))


Ralph Gaston



Message 2 of 5
in reply to: Anonymous

AcGePoint3d mid1 = GetMidPoint(pLine1);

Where the function GetMidPoint is defined?

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Message 3 of 5
in reply to: Anonymous

I ended up getting this to work at some point with several changes made. I believe the most important was that I added the function above the main file, instead of calling it from a separate cpp file. I wish I didn't have to do that, but as long as it works...


The GetMidPoint function I called was very similar to this, except now it asks for an ObjectId instead of a pointer - similar to some of the example code I read that came with the documentation.


//return the midpoint of a AcDbLine as an AcGePoint3d value
AcGePoint3d GetMidPoint(AcDbObjectId LineObjectId)
	AcGePoint3d sp, ep, MidPoint;

	//cast the pointer-to-line to a pointer-to-entity so it will fit in the open function
	AcDbLine *pLine;
	acdbOpenAcDbEntity((AcDbEntity*&)pLine, LineObjectId, AcDb::kForRead);
	//get the start and end points of the line
	sp = pLine->startPoint();
	ep = pLine->endPoint();

	//get the midpoint as the average of each direction
	MidPoint.x = (sp.x + ep.x)/2;
	MidPoint.y = (sp.y + ep.y)/2;
	MidPoint.z = (sp.z + ep.z)/2;


	return MidPoint;




Message 4 of 5
in reply to: Anonymous

An improved version of your function just for the heck of it:

//return the midpoint of a AcDbLine as an AcGePoint3d value
AcGePoint3d GetMidPoint(const AcDbObjectId& idLine)
	AcGePoint3d ptMid;
	AcDbLine *pLine;
	if (Acad::eOk == acdbOpenObject(pLine, idLine, AcDb::kForRead))
		AcGePoint3d ptStart = pLine->startPoint();
		AcGePoint3d ptEnd = pLine->endPoint();
		ptMid.x = (ptStart.x + ptEnd.x) / 2.0;
		ptMid.y = (ptStart.y + ptEnd.y) / 2.0;
		ptMid.z = (ptStart.z + ptEnd.z) / 2.0;
	return ptMid;


Owen Wengerd
Message 5 of 5
in reply to: owenwengerd

Wow. I just started, but I don't know how many places I am opening, then checking to make sure it is the right type, then casting to another variable of that type. This will really simplify a lot of work. Thanks again Owen.



Ralph Gaston

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