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eNotNewlyCreated exception using VS2010 and Acad 2012

Message 1 of 6
3091 Views, 5 Replies

eNotNewlyCreated exception using VS2010 and Acad 2012

I've recently ported some code from VS2008 and AutoCAD 2010 and realized that the eNotNewlyCreated exception continues to be raised when inserting blocks in a loop using AddNewlyCreatedObject in code that I'm pretty sure is only being called once.


Does anyone know anything about this?

Message 2 of 6
in reply to: Anonymous

Hi there,


Are you saying that before migrating your code to VS2010 & ACAD 2012 everything was fine with your code?


I've only seen this error coming up when the developer was actually trying to add the same new object to the transaction twice. Or maybe you are opening an object from the database and somehow your code ends up in the section when you try to add it to the transaction? :-s


Good luck finding the issue!



Adam Nagy

Autodesk Developer Network

Adam Nagy
Autodesk Platform Services
Message 3 of 6
in reply to: adam.nagy

Yes the code was the same. I've stepped through everything right up until the error. Ill enclose the code should someone have the time or inclination to take a peak at it. It inserts paving stone blocks at the appropritae angle along a closed LW Polyline.


Best regards,



        <CommandMethod("rdap")> _
        Public Sub RefDistAlongPath(ByVal asBlkName As String, ByVal bo As Double, ByVal PaverWid As Double, Optional ByVal DbType As String = "")

            Dim myDB As Database = HostApplicationServices.WorkingDatabase
            Using myTrans As Transaction = myDB.TransactionManager.StartTransaction
                Dim myEd As Editor = DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor
                'Dim myPEO As New PromptEntityOptions("Select a 2D Polyline:")
                'myPEO.SetRejectMessage("You must select a 2D Polyline." & vbCrLf)
                'myPEO.AddAllowedClass(GetType(Polyline), False)
                Dim myPER As PromptEntityResult = GetEntityWithAllowedClass() 'myEd.GetEntity(myPEO)

                Dim Paver1 As New Paver
                Dim OffsetDist As Double
                ''TODO: Add error handling for open polylines and blockname not present

                Select Case myPER.Status
                    Case EditorInput.PromptStatus.OK
                        Dim myOID As ObjectId = myPER.ObjectId
                        Dim myPL1 As Polyline = myTrans.GetObject(myOID, OpenMode.ForRead, False)

                        Dim myPL2 As Polyline = myTrans.GetObject(myOID, OpenMode.ForWrite, False)
                        Dim myCrv As Curve = myTrans.GetObject(myOID, OpenMode.ForRead, False)

                        Paver1.Series = asBlkName
                        'If (!myBlkTable.Has(asBlkName)) Then
                        '        { 
                        '            ed.WriteMessage ("Current Database does not contain a block of that name!");
                        '            return;
                        '        }
                        Dim myBlkTable As BlockTable = myTrans.GetObject(myDB.BlockTableId, OpenMode.ForRead)

                        Dim myBlkObject As BlockTableRecord = myTrans.GetObject(myBlkTable(asBlkName), OpenMode.ForRead)

                        Dim myPLLeng As Double = myPL1.Length
                        Dim numsegs As Int16 = 0
                        Dim segs() As Seg

                        Dim sb As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder()
                        Dim pt0 As Point2d = myPL1.GetPoint2dAt(0)

                        Dim i As Int16
                        For i = 0 To myPL1.NumberOfVertices - 1
                            ReDim Preserve segs(i)
                            If myPL1.GetSegmentType(i) = SegmentType.Line Then
                                Dim test As LineSegment2d = myPL1.GetLineSegment2dAt(i)
                                Dim d As Double = test.Length
                                Dim pt As Point2d = test.EndPoint
                                Dim vec As Vector2d = test.Direction
                                Dim ang As Double = vec.Angle
                                Dim azimuth As Double = 0
                                If (ang = 0) Then
                                    azimuth = 90
                                End If
                                If (ang > 0) And (ang < (PI / 2.0)) Then
                                    azimuth = 90 - RadianToDegree(ang)
                                End If
                                If (ang = (PI / 2.0)) Then
                                    azimuth = 0.0
                                End If
                                If (ang > (PI / 2.0)) And (ang < PI) Then
                                    azimuth = (180 - RadianToDegree(ang)) + 270
                                End If
                                If (ang = PI) Then
                                    azimuth = 270.0
                                End If
                                If (ang > PI) And (ang < (PI * 1.5)) Then
                                    azimuth = (270 - RadianToDegree(ang)) + 180
                                End If
                                If (ang = (PI * 1.5)) Then
                                    azimuth = 180.0
                                End If
                                If (ang > (PI * 1.5)) And (ang < (PI * 2.0)) Then
                                    azimuth = (360 - RadianToDegree(ang)) + 90
                                End If
                                If (ang = (PI * 2.0)) Then
                                    azimuth = 90.0
                                End If
                                'myEd.WriteMessage("Segment Length #" & (i + 1) & " = " & d & "\nAzimuth = " & azimuth & "\n")
                                segs(i).Length = d
                                segs(i).Azimuth = azimuth
                            ElseIf myPL1.GetSegmentType(i) = SegmentType.Arc Then
                                Dim test As CircularArc2d = myPL1.GetArcSegment2dAt(i)
                                Dim interval_of_arc As Interval = test.GetInterval()
                                Dim length_of_arc As Double = test.GetLength(0.0, interval_of_arc.Element)
                                'myEd.WriteMessage("Segment Length #" & (i + 1) & " = " & length_of_arc & "and it is an arc.") '' NOT WORKING
                                segs(i).Length = length_of_arc
                                segs(i).Azimuth = -1.0
                            End If
                        numsegs = segs.GetUpperBound(0)
                        Dim acDBObjColl As DBObjectCollection = New DBObjectCollection()


                        'Calculate centroid of Polyline
                        Dim myCent As Point3d = makeSolid(myPL1)

                        Dim iTop As Int16 = Decimal.Divide(myPLLeng, (PaverWid + bo_adj)) - 2

                        Dim acPoint As DBPoint = New DBPoint(New Point3d(myCent.X, myCent.Y, 0))

                        Dim myCurrSpace As BlockTableRecord = myTrans.GetObject(myDB.CurrentSpaceId, OpenMode.ForWrite)
                        myPL2.Layer = "Hatch"

                        '' Add the new object to the block table record and the transaction
                        'myTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(acPoint, True)
                        '' Set the style for all point objects in the drawing

                        myDB.Pdmode = 34
                        myDB.Pdsize = 1
                        Dim MyPoints As DBPoint = acPoint
                        Dim myStdP1_3d As Point3d = myCrv.GetPointAtDist(0)
                        Dim reset_start As Double

                        For j = 0 To numsegs
                            Dim myP1_3d As Point3d
                            Dim myAdjP13D As Point3d
                            Dim lenper As Int16 = 0
                            CalcTurnAdj(segs, j, (PaverWid + bo_adj))
                            Dim iper As Int16 = ((segs(j).Length + CurrLeng_Adj) \ (PaverWid + bo_adj))
                            Dim rema As Double = Decimal.op_Modulus((segs(j).Length + CurrLeng_Adj), (PaverWid + bo_adj))
                            For i = 1 To iper ' IIf(String.Compare(asBlkName, "Old Country Stone") = 0, iper + 1, iper)
                                'rema_adj = (PaverWid / 2.0)
                                myP1_3d = myCrv.GetPointAtDist(reset_start + ((PaverWid + bo_adj) * IIf(String.Compare(asBlkName, "Standard") = 0, i - 1, i - 0.5)) + ap_adj) ' - IIf(i = iper + 1, rema_adj, 0))
                                myAdjP13D = New Point3d(myP1_3d.X + St_Pt_AdjX, myP1_3d.Y + St_Pt_AdjY, 0)
                                'FIND OUT OUT TO DO THIS!!!
                                Dim myV1_3d As Vector3d = myCrv.GetFirstDerivative(myP1_3d)
                                Dim myBlkAngle As Double = Math.Atan(myV1_3d.Y / myV1_3d.X)
                                myP1_3d = myAdjP13D

                                Dim dmlPointA As DBPoint = New DBPoint(New Point3d(myP1_3d.X, myP1_3d.Y, 0))


                                Dim tmpDist, tmpDist2 As Double
                                tmpDist = MyPoints.Position.DistanceTo(dmlPointA.Position)

                                Dim myBlKPt As DBPoint = New DBPoint(PolarPoints(dmlPointA.Position, myBlkAngle + Decimal.Divide(PI, 2.0), bo + bo_adj))
                                Dim dmlPoint As DBPoint = myBlKPt

                                tmpDist2 = MyPoints.Position.DistanceTo(dmlPoint.Position)
                                If String.Compare(asBlkName, "Standard") = 0 And String.Compare(DbType.Substring(0, 3), "Cal") <> 0 Or _
                                 String.Compare(asBlkName, "AP Std") = 0 Then
                                    myBlkAngle = myBlkAngle + Decimal.Divide(PI, 2.0)
                                End If

                                If tmpDist2 > tmpDist Then
                                    myBlkAngle = myBlkAngle + PI
                                End If
                                OffsetDist = dmlPointA.Position.DistanceTo(myBlKPt.Position)

                                Dim myBlkInsert As BlockReference = New BlockReference(myP1_3d, myBlkObject.ObjectId)
                                myBlkInsert.Rotation = myBlkAngle

                                'Manage Dynamic Block Capabilities Here

                                If myBlkObject.IsDynamicBlock = True Then

                                    Dim v As DynamicBlockReferencePropertyCollection = myBlkInsert.DynamicBlockReferencePropertyCollection
                                    Dim prop As DynamicBlockReferenceProperty
                                    For Each prop In v
                                        Dim mystr As String = prop.PropertyName
                                        Select Case mystr
                                            Case "Length"
                                                prop.Value = bo
                                            Case "Width"
                                                prop.Value = PaverWid
                                            Case "Distance2" ' Old Country Stone
                                                prop.Value = bo
                                            Case "Remainder" ' Old Country Stone
                                                prop.Value = IIf(i = iper + 1, rema, 178.0)
                                            Case "Complexity" ' AP STD
                                                prop.Value = DbType
                                            Case "Visibility1" ' Standard and Chateau and Villa
                                                prop.Value = DbType
                                        End Select

                                End If

                                myBlkInsert.Layer = "Objects_3"
                                myTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(myBlkInsert, True)
                            Next i
                            reset_start = reset_start + segs(j).Length



                        Dim myDbObjColl2 As DBObjectCollection = myPL1.GetOffsetCurves(IIf(IsCCW(myPL1), -OffsetDist, OffsetDist)) '(IIf((bo + bo_adj) > 0, 0 - (bo + bo_adj), (bo + bo_adj)))

                        For Each myEntity As Entity In myDbObjColl2

                            '' Add each offset object

                            myEntity.Layer = "Hatch"

                            myTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(myEntity, True)

                            '' Adds the Pline to an object id array

                            Dim myObjIdColl3 As ObjectIdCollection = New ObjectIdCollection()

                            '' Create the hatch object and append it to the block table record

                            Dim myHatch As Hatch = New Hatch()


                            myTrans.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(myHatch, True)

                            '' Set the properties of the hatch object

                            '' Associative must be set after the hatch object is appended to the 



Message 4 of 6
in reply to: Anonymous

You should always call AddNewlyCreatedDBObject() right after adding the entity to the database (i.e. calling AppendEntity) - as you are doing it in case of the hatch entity. Once the transaction knows about it you don't even have to call dispose on the entity, though calling Dispose() should not do any harm.


Also, I would suggest splitting up your function into subfunctions because I think it went way beyond the line count that can be QA'd efficiently. 🙂


And I would use "Using" keyword on the objects instead of calling Dispose() explicitly. I think it makes the code look more organized and it's also useful since even if somewhere you get an exception the Dispose() will still be called implicitly by Using.

Adam Nagy
Autodesk Platform Services
Message 5 of 6
in reply to: Anonymous

Thanks for everything. I'll keep that code length to a minimum. hehe

Message 6 of 6
in reply to: adam.nagy

I did take your suggestion which fixed the problem right away. For some reason this "unreccomended" code works absolutely fine in earler versions of MS Studio and AutoCAD.

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