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Another DWGThumbnail post

Message 1 of 8
3150 Views, 7 Replies

Another DWGThumbnail post

Sorry - but I just can't get this thing to work (DWGThumbnail).  I have read everything I could find.


Here is my problem in a nutshell:  I am creating a Windows forms application that includes the AutoCAD DWG Thumbnail OCX control on the form.  I can't get this to work on a Windows 7 64bit machine. 


On my develpment machine (which is Windows Vista 32 bit), I created a small Winform app, added the COM AutoCAD Thumbnail OCX reference (DWGTHUMBNAIL.OCX) version 2.0.


Then placed this control on my form.  Visual Studio then adds the references to the project: Interop.DWGTHUMBNAILLib.dll and AxInterop.DWGTHUMBNAILLib.dll.  I set them to 'Copy Local'.  So far so good.


I run the project in debug mode and it starts and runs fine (on the development machine).


I publish the app using ClickOnce (how I have deployed many apps).


Install the app on the Win7 64 bit machine and get: 'Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040154 REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG...'


I have tried copying Both DLL's and registering them with Regsvr32, I have tried using Regasm, every which way!


Is this the correct version of the DWG Thumbnail control?

Why can't Autodesk make a .Net assembly of it???


Note - I am not a member of ADN, so I can't get any stuff there.


Help!!! Smiley Sad


Tags (1)
Message 2 of 8
in reply to: jshipley

What about 3rd party options?  Are there any out there?  I'd be willing to pay for a reliable, stable .Net AutoCAD thumbnail control.  This seems harder than it should be...



Message 3 of 8
in reply to: jshipley

Hi there please look at the attached class file.


This should help you. More info about this class can be found at the swamp.




Kind regards,



Message 4 of 8
in reply to: Anonymous

Thanks - I have not registered at TheSwamp yet, but the class file looks good, do you possibly have it in VB?


Message 5 of 8
in reply to: jshipley

Imports System
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Drawing.Imaging
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Windows.Forms

Class acThumbnailReader

	<StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)> _
		Public biSize As Integer
		Public biWidth As Integer
		Public biHeight As Integer
		Public biPlanes As Short
		Public biBitCount As Short
		Public biCompression As Integer
		Public biSizeImage As Integer
		Public biXPelsPerMeter As Integer
		Public biYPelsPerMeter As Integer
		Public biClrUsed As Integer
		Public biClrImportant As Integer
	End Structure

	<StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)> _
	Private Structure IMGREC
		Public bytType As Byte
		Public lngStart As Integer
		Public lngLen As Integer
	End Structure

	<StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential)> _
	Private Structure RGBQUAD
		Public rgbBlue As Byte
		Public rgbGreen As Byte
		Public rgbRed As Byte
		Public rgbReserved As Byte
	End Structure

	Public Shared Function GetThumbnail(strFile As String) As Bitmap
		Return GetThumbnail(strFile, True, False, "")
	End Function

	Public Shared Function GetThumbnail(strFile As String, boolRetainBackColor As Boolean) As Bitmap
		Return GetThumbnail(strFile, boolRetainBackColor, False, "")
	End Function

	Public Shared Function GetThumbnail(strFile As String, boolRetainBackColor As Boolean, boolSaveToFile As Boolean) As Bitmap
		Return GetThumbnail(strFile, boolRetainBackColor, boolSaveToFile, "")
	End Function

	Public Shared Function GetThumbnail(strFile As String, boolRetainBackColor As Boolean, boolSaveToFile As Boolean, strSaveName As String) As Bitmap
		Dim bmp As New Bitmap(1, 1, PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed)
		Dim bytCnt As Byte
		Dim bytBMPBuff As Byte()
		Dim lngImgLoc As Integer
		Dim fs As FileStream = Nothing
		Dim br As BinaryReader = Nothing
		Dim lngCurLoc As Integer
		Dim lngY As Integer
		Dim lngX As Integer
		Dim lngColor As Integer
		Dim lngCnt As Integer
		Dim intCnt As Short
		Dim udtRec As IMGREC
		Dim udtColors As RGBQUAD()
		Dim udtColor As RGBQUAD
		Dim intRed As Short
		Dim intGreen As Short
		Dim intBlue As Short
			If File.Exists(strFile) Then
				fs = File.OpenRead(strFile)
				br = New BinaryReader(fs)
				fs.Seek(13, SeekOrigin.Begin)
				lngImgLoc = br.ReadInt32()
				fs.Seek(lngImgLoc + 17, SeekOrigin.Begin)
				lngCurLoc = lngImgLoc + 17
				fs.Seek(lngCurLoc + 3, SeekOrigin.Begin)
				bytCnt = br.ReadByte()
				If bytCnt > 1 Then
					For intCnt = 0 To bytCnt - 1
						udtRec.bytType = br.ReadByte()
						udtRec.lngStart = br.ReadInt32()
						udtRec.lngLen = br.ReadInt32()
						If udtRec.bytType = 2 Then
							fs.Seek(udtRec.lngStart, SeekOrigin.Begin)
							udtHeader.biSize = br.ReadInt32()
							udtHeader.biWidth = br.ReadInt32()
							udtHeader.biHeight = br.ReadInt32()
							udtHeader.biPlanes = br.ReadInt16()
							udtHeader.biBitCount = br.ReadInt16()
							udtHeader.biCompression = br.ReadInt32()
							udtHeader.biSizeImage = br.ReadInt32()
							udtHeader.biXPelsPerMeter = br.ReadInt32()
							udtHeader.biYPelsPerMeter = br.ReadInt32()
							udtHeader.biClrUsed = br.ReadInt32()
							udtHeader.biClrImportant = br.ReadInt32()
							bytBMPBuff = New Byte(udtRec.lngLen) {}
							If udtHeader.biBitCount = 8 Then
								udtColors = New RGBQUAD(255) {}
								For count As Integer = 0 To 255
									udtColors(count).rgbBlue = br.ReadByte()
									udtColors(count).rgbGreen = br.ReadByte()
									udtColors(count).rgbRed = br.ReadByte()
									udtColors(count).rgbReserved = br.ReadByte()
								fs.Seek(udtRec.lngStart - 1, SeekOrigin.Begin)
								For count As Integer = 0 To udtRec.lngLen
									bytBMPBuff(count) = br.ReadByte()
								bmp = New Bitmap(udtHeader.biWidth, udtHeader.biHeight)
								lngCnt = 0
								For lngY = 1 To udtHeader.biHeight
									For lngX = udtHeader.biWidth To 1 Step -1
										lngColor = bytBMPBuff(bytBMPBuff.GetUpperBound(0) - lngCnt)
										udtColor = udtColors(lngColor)
										intRed = Convert.ToInt16(udtColor.rgbRed)
										intGreen = Convert.ToInt16(udtColor.rgbGreen)
										intBlue = Convert.ToInt16(udtColor.rgbBlue)
										lngColor = ColorTranslator.ToOle(Color.FromArgb(intRed, intGreen, intBlue))
										If boolRetainBackColor = False Then
											If lngColor = ColorTranslator.ToOle(Color.Black) Then
												lngColor = ColorTranslator.ToOle(Color.White)
												If lngColor = ColorTranslator.ToOle(Color.White) Then
													lngColor = ColorTranslator.ToOle(Color.Black)
												End If
											End If
										End If
										bmp.SetPixel(lngX - 1, lngY - 1, ColorTranslator.FromOle(lngColor))
										lngCnt += 1
							End If
							GoTo Exit_Here
							If udtRec.bytType = 3 Then
								GoTo Exit_Here
							End If
						End If
				End If
			End If
		Catch ex As Exception
			GoTo Exit_Here
		End Try
		If br IsNot Nothing Then
		End If
		If boolSaveToFile = True Then
			If strSaveName = "" Then
				Dim fName As String
				fName = [String].Concat(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Path.GetRandomFileName()), ".bmp")
			End If
		End If
		Return bmp
	End Function
End Class


Message 6 of 8
in reply to: Anonymous

THANK YOU!!!!  Smiley Happy

That works great.  I removed the DwgThumbnail references and control, created the acThumbnailReader class, used it on my form, published it, and it works on the 64bit system.

Thanks again.


Message 7 of 8
in reply to: jshipley

Glad to help you with your problem.


But thanks go out to the original programmers.


Kind regards,



Message 8 of 8
in reply to: jshipley

Can you explain how you used the class? (broad steps, if you can tell)

Does it work on 32 bit m/c too?


Shreenivas Potnis


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