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Good day. I am having an issue with vl-sort.
The list I am sorting has nested lists inside like this:
nList = ((a 1)(d 5)(c 2)(b 1))
I want to order the sublists in alphabetical order by their 1st element. I've included the entire routine for context and I've highlited the vl-sort functions in RED. I figure this is probably something very simple I'm missing and I am just not seeing it.
(defun c:testy ( / tCntr sList nList *error* fPath fName tFpath Cable Reduce ssText tVal sList sCntr tVal1 tCnt mCntr tVal2 tToF tFile dspMsg nList equal1 more1) (vl-load-com) (setvar "cmdecho" 0) (setq tCntr 0) (setq sList ()) (setq nList ()) (defun *error* (msg) (if (member msg '("Function cancelled" "quit / exit abort" "*Cancel*")) (progn (setvar "cmdecho" 1)(princ "\n <!> Routine aborted <!> ")) ) ;if ) ;*error* (setq fPath "c:/Users/HULLZP/Desktop/CUSTOM") (if (findfile fPath) (progn (setq fName "/txtCount.txt")(setq tFpath (strcat fPath fName))) (progn (princ "\n\033\n Invalid file path. See COUNTTEXT routine.")(exit)) ) ;if (princ "\n <ENTER> twice for default text count... ") (initget "Y N") (if (not (setq Cable (getkword "\n\033\n <Y> Reduce the selection set to cable numbers? [Y/N]: "))) (progn (princ "\n Y or N required. Using default Y value!")(setq Cable "Y")) ) ;if (initget "Y N") (if (not (setq Reduce (getkword "\n\033\n <N> See only text with a count > 1? [Y/N]: "))) (progn (princ "\n Y or N required. Using default N value!")(setq Reduce "N")) ) ;if (if (and (princ "\n\033\n <> Select text objects to count: ") (setq ssText (ssget '((0 . "TEXT")(8 . "TEXT")(67 . 0)))) ) ;and (while (< tCntr (sslength ssText)) (setq tVal (cdr (assoc 1 (entget (ssname ssText tCntr))))) (cond ((= Cable "Y") (if (and (> (strlen tVal) 10) (wcmatch (substr tVal (- (strlen tVal) 3) 1) "-") (= (vl-string-search "," tVal) nil) (= (vl-string-search " " tVal) nil) ) ;and (setq sList (append sList (list tVal))) ) ;if ) ((= Cable "N") (setq sList (append sList (list tVal))) ) ) ;cond (setq tCntr (1+ tCntr)) ) ;while (progn (princ "\n\033\n < Selection set empty > ")(exit)) ) ;if (setq sCntr 0) (setq tFile (open tFpath "w")) (close tFile) (while (< sCntr (length sList)) (setq tVal1 (nth sCntr sList)) (setq tCnt 0) (setq mCntr 0) (while (<= mCntr (length sList)) (setq tVal2 (nth mCntr sList)) (if (= (equal tVal1 tVal2) T)(setq tCnt (1+ tCnt))) ;if (setq mCntr (1+ mCntr)) ) ;while (if (= (member (list tVal1 tCnt) nList) nil) (setq nList (cons (list tVal1 tCnt) nList))) (setq sCntr (1+ sCntr)) ) ;while (cond ((= Reduce "Y") (progn (foreach x nList (if (= (cadr x) 1) (setq nList (vl-remove x nList)))) (setq nList (vl-sort nList '(lambda (x y) < (car x) (car y))))
) ;progn ) ((= Reduce "N") (progn (foreach x nList (if (= (cadr x) 1) (setq equal1 (cons x equal1)) (setq more1 (cons x more1)) ) ;if ) ;foreach (if equal1 (setq equal1 (vl-sort equal1 '(lambda (x y) < (car x) (car y))))) (if more1 (setq more1 (vl-sort more1 '(lambda (x y) < (car x) (car y))))) (setq nList (append more1 equal1)) ) ;progn ) ) ;cond (foreach x nList (setq nList (subst (strcat (car x) " count is: " (itoa (cadr x))) x nList))) (foreach x nList (progn (setq tFile (open tFpath "a"))(write-line x tFile)(close tFile))) (cond ((and (= Cable "Y")(= Reduce "Y"))(setq dspMsg "cable numbers with counts greater than 1.")) ((and (= Cable "Y")(= Reduce "N"))(setq dspMsg "cable numbers only.")) ((and (= Cable "N")(= Reduce "Y"))(setq dspMsg "all cables and text with counts greater than 1.")) ((and (= Cable "N")(= Reduce "N"))(setq dspMsg "all cables and text.")) ) ;cond (command "shell" tFpath) (alert (strcat "Displaying: " dspMsg "\n Please wait a moment while the text file is generated. \(" (itoa (sslength ssText)) " text objects\)" "\n Larger selection sets \(1000+ text objects\) require additional time to process...")) (princ (strcat "\n\033\n \(" (itoa (sslength ssText)))) (princ "\) text objects counted\n <!> Routine complete <!> ") (princ) ) ;testy
Solved! Go to Solution.