@ВeekeeCZ Hi, given your good will to help us , please give some hints to use
As to get PROPIERTIES, or to apply METHOD.
This , solve it for METHOD.
(vla-get-modelspace (vla-get-activedocument (vlax-get-acad-object)))
(apply 'append pt-list)
But I not get propierties like
(setq 3dpol-xyz (group-by-num/list-num(VLAX-SAFEARRAY->LIST (VLAX-VARIANT-VALUE (VLA-GET-COORDINATES 3dpol)))3))
3DPOLY is an OBJECT I tried with
(setq 3dpol-xyz (vlax-invoke 'coordinates 3dpol))
it return
; error: bad argument type: VLA-OBJECT COORDINATES
Neither have any result with
(setq 3dpol-xyz (vlax-invoke 3dpol 'coordinates))
Thanks, in advance.
I like to handle vla-objects , but for some task I need ENTities data .
As to do an SSGET FENCE
(setq point-ss (ssget "F" 3dpol-xyz (list (cons 0 "point") (cons 8 CLAYER))))