That's the difference in radius, or spacing, or gap, between the starting
point and the next time the spiral gets around to the same place again
(after one turn or rotation).
In the Equally-spaced spiral, it will be the constant distance between
passes anywhere along the spiral
In the Arithmetically-increasing spiral, it's the "1 factor" in your earlier
description: "if the radius of the first ring intersection point is 4
meters, add plus 1 factor to each subsequent ring making the next ring it 5
meters, next is 7 meters, next is 10 meters, etc", except it doesn't have to
be 1; it can be any size the user wants. In that type, the second interval
(or spacing, or gap) will be twice as big, the third one will be three times
as big, etc.
In the Geometric one, it will increase with each rotation in a different
way, as described in the Lisp text.
Of course, you can change the prompt if you prefer a different wording.
Kent Cooper
I had the users run your routines and they plan to do some alternate studies
using them. One question I have is within the routine, we are asked for the
"Interval Between Turns?". I'm not 100 percent how to answer this question.