@Sea-Haven wrote:
.... I copy and paste complete defuns or full code to command line ....
I often do it that way, which does not even require that the code be saved to a named file yet, as APPLOAD and/or drag-&-drop of the file would require. But for a file that I have named [and saved to a folder where AutoCAD knows to look], I use these commands:
(defun C:TL () ; Test Lisp routine under development
(cond (testlisp) ((setq testlisp (getstring "\nLisp Routine: "))))
"nogo" ; onfailure
); load
); =
(setq testlisp nil); wipe out and try again
(prompt "\nNo such Routine file-name --")
); while
(defun C:TLnew ()
(setq testlisp nil)
Once I have established the file I'm developing with the first TL command, after I've worked in it [and saved it], back in the drawing I just type TL and it's reloaded -- no APPLOAD, no drag-&-drop, no copy/paste involving the clipboard. If I finish with one and want to work on another, TLNEW is there to not reload the known file but ask for a new file name.
[One adjustment I may decide to make, whether inherently or as an option, would be to have it not ask for a file name as a text string, but let me navigate to get it.]
Kent Cooper, AIA