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put the address and file name on the popup window of a virtual printer (foxit reader)


put the address and file name on the popup window of a virtual printer (foxit reader)



i have a code that can print what's inside a multi polyline into multi pdf by the dwg to pdf.pc3 but doe to some reasons dwg to pdf.pc3 doesn't work properly as it should be so i tried to use "foxit reader" virtual printer instead but when i run the script in the middle of it the foxit reader want me to input the address and the name of the file,


but i want to make this process automatic and the address and the file name (which the code could generate it) automatically input in the popup window.

thank for helping 🙂



(defun c:FoxitPDF ( / f i s )
   (setq f (strcat (getvar 'dwgprefix) (vl-filename-base (getvar 'dwgname))))
   (if (setq s (ssget '((0 . "LWPOLYLINE"))))
       (repeat (setq i (sslength s))
           (apply 'plotwindow (cons f (windowpoints (ssname s (setq i (1- i))))))

(defun plotwindow ( f p q )
 (if (> (- (car q) (car p)) (- (cadr q) (cadr p)))
       "_Yes"  ; Detailed plot configuration?
       "Model" ; Enter Layout Name
       "Foxit Reader PDF Printer.pc3" ; Enter an output device name
       "" ; Enter Paper Size (User Defined)
	"M" ; Enter paper units [Inches/Millimeters] <Millimeters>
       "_L"  ; Enter Drawing Orientation
       "_N"  ; Plot Upside Down?
       "_W"  ; Enter Plot Area
       "_non" p "_non" q
       "_F"  ; Enter Plot Scale
       "_C"  ; Enter plot offset
       "_Y"  ; Plot with Style
       "."   ; Enter plot style table name (none)
       "_N"  ; Plot with lineweights?
       "As Displayed" ; Enter Shade Plot Settings
	"_Y" ;Write the plot to a file
	 (uniquefilename f ".pdf")
       "_N"  ; Save Changes to page setup
       "_Y"  ; Proceed with plot


       "_Yes"  ; Detailed plot configuration?
       "Model" ; Enter Layout Name
       "Foxit Reader PDF Printer.pc3" ; Enter an output device name
       "" ; Enter Paper Size (User Defined)
	"M" ; Enter paper units [Inches/Millimeters] <Millimeters>
       "_P"  ; Enter Drawing Orientation
       "_N"  ; Plot Upside Down?
       "_W"  ; Enter Plot Area
       "_non" p "_non" q
       "_F"  ; Enter Plot Scale
       "_C"  ; Enter plot offset
       "_Y"  ; Plot with Style
       "."   ; Enter plot style table name (none)
       "_N"  ; Plot with lineweights?
       "As Displayed" ; Enter Shade Plot Settings
	"_N" ;Write the plot to a file
	 ;(uniquefilename f ".pdfd")
       "_N"  ; Save Changes to page setup
       "_Y"  ; Proceed with plot
	(uniquefilename f ".pdf")

(defun uniquefilename ( pth ext / fnm tmp )
   (if (findfile (setq fnm (strcat pth ext)))
           (setq tmp 1)
           (while (findfile (setq fnm (strcat pth "(" (itoa (setq tmp (1+ tmp))) ")" ext))))

(defun windowpoints ( ent )
   (   (lambda ( lst ) (mapcar '(lambda ( x ) (apply 'mapcar (cons x lst))) '(min max)))
       (mapcar 'cdr (vl-remove-if-not '(lambda ( x ) (= 10 (car x))) (entget ent)))


the popup window that im talking aboutthe popup window that im talking about

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