Hello , Is it possible to label Easting & Northing at once for all selected points
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Solved by calderg1000. Go to Solution.
Solved by CADaSchtroumpf. Go to Solution.
When you say "selected points" do you mean AutoCAD "POINT" objects, or line endpoints, or polyline vertices, or block insertions, or what? I presume you mean by window or crossing, yes?
My favorite these days is to use multileaders that are horizontal in a twisted view, but we always use N/E instead of E/N, but that's easy to change or to provide the option along with the precision.
John F. Uhden
If the leader is made as a block can use Field for insertion point values to be displayed.
This was a good video that I stumbled upon.
Thats ok.
You can get points and vertices as 1 selection to be used but you need to do some smart coding looking at what objects were picked, you would have to use different methods for say a pline or line, points, same with a circle. Yes can be done. The other issue with auto select is where do you place the leader always top right ? Or do you prompt move for each one.
John appears to have an answer you should post a sample dwg so can see what objects are involved.
For vertex of LWPOLYLINE you can try this
(defun make_mlead (pt str / tmp ptlst arr nw_obj)
(initget 9)
tmp (getpoint (trans pt 0 1) "\nLeader position: ")
ptlst (append pt (polar pt (angle pt (trans tmp 1 0)) (distance pt (trans tmp 1 0))))
arr (vlax-make-safearray vlax-vbdouble (cons 0 (- (length ptlst) 1)))
(vlax-safearray-fill arr ptlst)
(setq nw_obj (vla-addMLeader Space (vlax-make-variant arr) 0))
(vla-put-contenttype nw_obj acMTextContent)
(vla-put-textstring nw_obj
(vla-put-layer nw_obj "LABEL-BEARING")
(vla-put-ArrowheadSize nw_obj (* (getvar "TEXTSIZE") 0.5))
(vla-put-TextHeight nw_obj (getvar "TEXTSIZE"))
(if (> (car pt) (car (trans tmp 1 0)))
(vla-SetDogLegDirection nw_obj 0 (vlax-3D-point '(-1.0 0.0 0.0)))
(vla-put-TextJustify nw_obj acAttachmentPointMiddleRight)
(vla-setLeaderLineVertices nw_obj 0 (vlax-make-variant arr))
(vla-put-TextJustify nw_obj acAttachmentPointMiddleLeft)
(vla-update nw_obj)
(defun c:label-bearing ( / l_var js htx AcDoc Space n ename); obj pr pt val_txt)
(setq l_var (mapcar 'getvar '("AUNITS" "AUPREC" "LUPREC" "LUNITS")))
(mapcar 'setvar '("AUNITS" "AUPREC" "LUPREC" "LUNITS") '(4 3 2 2))
(princ "\nSelect polylines.")
(while (null (setq js (ssget '((0 . "LWPOLYLINE")))))
(princ "\nSelection is empty or not are LWPOLYLINE!")
(initget 6)
(setq htx (getdist (getvar "VIEWCTR") (strcat "\nSpecify text height <" (rtos (getvar "TEXTSIZE")) ">: ")))
(if htx (setvar "TEXTSIZE" htx))
AcDoc (vla-get-ActiveDocument (vlax-get-acad-object))
(if (= 1 (getvar "CVPORT"))
(vla-get-PaperSpace AcDoc)
(vla-get-ModelSpace AcDoc)
(vla-startundomark AcDoc)
((null (tblsearch "LAYER" "LABEL-BEARING"))
(vlax-put (vla-add (vla-get-layers AcDoc) "LABEL-BEARING") 'color 7)
(repeat (setq n (sslength js))
ename (ssname js (setq n (1- n)))
obj (vlax-ename->vla-object ename)
pr -1
(repeat (if (eq (vlax-get obj 'Closed) -1) (fix (vlax-curve-getEndParam ename)) (1+ (fix (vlax-curve-getEndParam ename))))
pt (vlax-curve-GetPointAtParam ename (setq pr (1+ pr)))
val_txt (strcat "E " (rtos (car pt) 2 3) "\\PN " (rtos (cadr pt) 2 3))
(make_mlead pt val_txt)
(vla-endundomark AcDoc)
(mapcar 'setvar '("AUNITS" "AUPREC" "LUPREC" "LUNITS") l_var)
Regards @Mohammedshebintk
Try this code, quick build.
Before its application, you must configure the style of multilrader (text height, arrow, landing Gap).
(defun c:cml (/ s lp i x y tx)
(setq s (car (entsel "select Lwpolyline: "))
ld (getreal "Enter leader length: ")
lp (mapcar 'cdr
(vl-remove-if-not '(lambda (x) (= (car x) 10)) (entget s))
(foreach i lp
(setq x (rtos (car i) 2 3)
y (rtos (cadr i) 2 3)
tx (strcat "E " x "\n" "N " y)
(initcommandversion 1)
(command "._mleader"
(polar i (/ pi 4) ld)
Carlos Calderon G
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Carlos Calderon G
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