Good point, who knows what you've missed. I have all I could find in here
Function UnformatMtext(S As String) As String
Dim P1 As Integer
Dim P2 As Integer, P3 As Integer
Dim intStart As Integer
Dim strCom As String
Dim strReplace As String
Debug.Print S
Select Case Left(S, 4)
Case "\A0;", "\A1;", "\A2;"
S = Mid(S, P1 + 5)
End Select
intStart = 1
P1 = InStr(S, "%%")
If P1 = 0 Then
Exit Do
Select Case Mid(S, P1 + 2, 1)
Case "P"
S = Replace(S, "%%P", "+or-")
Case "D"
S = Replace(S, "%%D", " deg")
End Select
End If
P1 = InStr(intStart, S, "\", vbTextCompare)
If P1 = 0 Then Exit Do
strCom = Mid(S, P1, 2)
Select Case strCom
Case "\p"
P2 = InStr(1, S, ";")
S = Mid(S, P2 + 1)
Case "\A", "\C", "\f", "\F", "\H", "\Q", "\T", "\W"
P2 = InStr(P1 + 2, S, ";", vbTextCompare)
P3 = InStr(P1 + 2, S, strCom, vbTextCompare)
If P3 = 0 Then
S = Left(S, P1 - 1) & Mid(S, P2 + 1)
End If
Do While P3 > 0
P2 = InStr(P3, S, ";", vbTextCompare)
S = Left(S, P3 - 1) & Mid(S, P2 + 1)
'Debug.Print s, strCom
P3 = InStr(1, S, strCom, vbTextCompare)
's = Left(s, P3 - 1) & mid(s, P3 + 1)
Case "\L", "\O"
Dim strLittle As String
strLittle = LCase(strCom)
P2 = InStr(P1 + 2, S, strLittle, vbTextCompare)
S = Left(S, P1 - 1) & Mid(S, P1 + 2, P2 - (P1 + 2)) & Mid(S, P2 + 2)
Case "\S"
P2 = InStr(P1 + 2, S, ";", vbTextCompare)
P3 = InStr(P1 + 2, S, "/", vbTextCompare)
If P3 = 0 Or P3 > P2 Then
P3 = InStr(P1 + 2, S, "#", vbTextCompare)
End If
If P3 = 0 Or P3 > P2 Then
P3 = InStr(P1 + 2, S, "^", vbTextCompare)
End If
S = Left(S, P1 - 1) & Mid(S, P1 + 2, P3 - (P1 + 2)) _
& "/" & Mid(S, P3 + 1, (P2) - (P3 + 1)) & Mid(S, P2 + 1)
Case "\U"
strLittle = Mid(S, P1 + 3, 4)
Debug.Print strLittle
Select Case strLittle
Case "2248"
strReplace = "ALMOST EQUAL"
Case "2220"
strReplace = "ANGLE"
Case "2104"
strReplace = "CENTER LINE"
Case "0394"
strReplace = "DELTA"
Case "0278"
strReplace = "ELECTRIC PHASE"
Case "E101"
strReplace = "FLOW LINE"
Case "2261"
strReplace = "IDENTITY"
Case "E200"
strReplace = "INITIAL LENGTH"
Case "E102"
strReplace = "MONUMENT LINE"
Case "2260"
strReplace = "NOT EQUAL"
Case "2126"
strReplace = "OHM"
Case "03A9"
strReplace = "OMEGA"
Case "214A"
strReplace = "PROPERTY LINE"
Case "2082"
strReplace = "SUBSCRIPT2"
Case "00B2"
strReplace = "SQUARED"
Case "00B3"
strReplace = "CUBED"
End Select
S = Replace(S, "\U+" & strLittle, strReplace)
Case "\~"
S = Replace(S, "\~", " ")
Case "\\"
intStart = P1 + 2
S = Replace(S, "\\", "\")
GoTo Selectagain
Case "\P"
intStart = P1 + 1
GoTo Selectagain
Case Else
Exit Do
End Select
P1 = InStr(1, S, "\P", vbTextCompare)
If P1 = 0 Then
Exit Do
S = Left(S, P1 - 1) & vbCrLf & Mid(S, P1 + 2)
End If
For intStart = 0 To 1
If intStart = 0 Then
strCom = "}"
strCom = "{"
End If
P2 = InStr(1, S, strCom)
Do While P2 > 0
S = Left(S, P2 - 1) & Mid(S, P2 + 1)
P2 = InStr(1, S, strCom)
Next intStart
UnformatMtext = S
End Function
Sub Testmt()
Dim Mt As AcadMText, V As Variant
ThisDrawing.Utility.GetEntity Mt, V, "Pick an Mtext:"
Debug.Print Mt.TextString
Mt.TextString = UnformatMtext(Mt.TextString)
Debug.Print Mt.TextString
End Sub