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Vault Project Archiving

Vault Project Archiving

Project based implementations using Vault have definite beginning and end. AEC and Infrastructure Customers are Project driven.


MFG customers serving the Oil and Gas are also Project driven since machinery is custom specific for the project.Typical projects can create a large number of files throughout the Project lifecycle. E.g. Filestore = 5GB


Customer Scenario: A customer can have 20 active projects and 100 completed projects over a 5 year period.


In this scenario IT run weekly backups. 100GB for active projects and 500GB for completed projects.


Currently Vault will require that all 600GB be backed up.

Vault Project Archiving would allow IT to classify the 500GB filestore as Archive and exclude these Archive Filestore folders from the weekly backup.


Solution :

Allow administrator to archive Project folders from the ADMS Console.


Project Files would be moved to a new ARCHIVE Folder that can be excluded from the ADMS backup or 3rd party Backup.


The Vault Database metadata would point to the new ARCHIVE Folder location.


The Project Files would be moved on all ADMS Filestore Servers and supported on Full replicated databases.


The metadata for the Archived Completed Project would remain in the Vault Database.

Folder ACLs can used to set the Archived Project to Read Only


@ihayesjr This is very critical feature we need as our current File store is 8.5TB.






Much needed functionality. Client Vaults reaching upwards of 3+ TB and will continue to grow



We have a number of old designs in our Vault folder that we will likely never use but would like to keep a record of. 


Every week we run a full backup on our Vault meaning every time we are backing up old projects that we are likely never to use. This is equating to 100GB of extra data each week which adds up over time. 


I would like to see an archive area in Vault which can be excluded from Vault backups and manually backed up when required.


Alternatively a way to create an archive Vault and a way to move files here from our live vault.    


A similar idea received a lot of support and was marked as future consideration in 2013. Sadly nothing seems to of come from this hence me posting a similar proposal. All workaround answers from AutoDesk seem to say to vote for an idea instead of providing an actual workaround hence me reposting the idea in a hope to gain AutoDesk's attention. 


Original idea:



Tags (6)

This was requested in 2013 and added as a future consideration. 


Why has this feature not been added yet?  


With the large size of the file store,  maintence, storage costs, licensing and upgrade costs this is seriously needed. Please provide this ASAP. 


I did not have time tonight to read all the posts, so forgive me if I'm repeating.


In today's world, and for all of us, the probably of losing all data from a cyber-attack is one of the highest, if not the highest. Can you imagine how much money any one of us will lose waiting for all our active and closed projects to restore from our air gaped backups when our active projects are most likely a very small percentage of our closed projects?




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