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User - Group - rights management

User - Group - rights management

Dear Vault Team


We have several Vaults in place and at the moment it is not possible to get an overview which user has assigned to witch Vaults. We are maintaining our user rights and log in rights via groups.  It can be also the case that groups inherits other groups. Also there is no possibility to get an overview which user has wich rights in wich Vaults.With the current possibilities it is not possible to get an easy and detailed overview of user rights if you have like we many users, groups and Vaults in place.


What we would need

- a report where we are able to see which user is assigned to wich Vault even this  is maintained via groups

- a report which users is assigned to which groups. This should also include inheritated groups

- a report where we are able to see the different rights of users. Users or groups  will have dedicated or overwritten rights on transitions, folders or files.  I want to click on a folder, item and  want  to see which users, groups has rights on this level. If there groups assigned I want to have the possibilty to expand this to see the assigned users and so on. Multiselection would also be a good advantage. Means to have the possibility to select more than one folder, files, items to see the dedicated rights for this objects.


BR, Thomas

Community Manager
Status changed to: Accepted

The first 2 requests has been implemented with Vault 2022.1 Update:


Community Manager
Status changed to: Implemented

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