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Tell me I can't do something before I do it, NOT AFTER!

Tell me I can't do something before I do it, NOT AFTER!

This is infuriating, it's so minor and petty, but it's so frustrating it makes me regret my career choices.


Vault has this trolling habit of happily allowing you to put hours of work into doing something, only to then tell you that you can't commit those changes when you're finished, and it knew all along that you were never going to be able to.


For example, I'm logged into a subscriber Vault server and didn't realise I don't have admin ownership here.  I just spent ages painstakingly adding people into an ECO routing list, selecting roles, editing roles, finding out who can do what, tweaking roles, then when I hit OK to create the routing list....




FFS you knew all along that the workgroup I'm logged into doesn't have admin ownership, why didn't you tell me the minute I started making edits to the list???? I've just lost XX minutes of my life, in total it's a big number at this point.

Community Manager

In the lower left corner of the Vault Settings dialog is a lock button indicating that the workgroup doesn't have admin ownership.  Would you like a popup message every time you go into the setting dialog to popup to tell you changes cannot be done?


Yea I'm all too familiar with the ownership indicator and transfer, it gets hidden behind a cluster of popups once you dive into the settings.  But as a system admin I tend to log into multiple different sites from one client but infrequently make an admin level change, so when I do, remembering to check which site has admin ownership isn't something I immediately think about.  You just open up the settings in the client and crack on, normally it isn't a problem if you're just ticking a box but when you're manipulating a big central area of settings like a routing list and it knocks you back on committal, it's very frustrating.


I'd say that would be the preference, it might be a bit too persistent to invoke a popup on entry to the settings, but maybe on entry into the lifecycle area, rules, ECO routing list config, one step after the initial dialog box call for the settings.


I have this issue all the time. Maybe a more drastic change - like making the background a red color when the user has admin rights or something.

Not applicable
If I could vote for this 1000 times I would. Most stupid thing I've ever seen.
Community Manager
Status changed to: Future Consideration
Not applicable

While my situations aren't as drastic, I've stumbled across this too often while testing as other users.  I'm used to my admin permissions so when logged in as someone else, I think I can do something, go to do it, but only after the fact am I told I can't. It's not that I don't know I'm not in admin view, it's just habit. 



I'd prefer not even to get a popup to tell me I can't do something.  Grey it out or hide it so I can't do it at all.  Things such as the routing list shouldn't even be able to do anything but view unless you have permissions to make changes.  These are much better (and safer) visual cues to me than changing the background or something like that.



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