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Support Microsoft Edge with Vault Thin Client

Support Microsoft Edge with Vault Thin Client

Microsoft Edge has been and will be the default internet browser for Windows 10 going forward, with Internet Explorer in legacy support.  As time progresses, more companies with Autodesk software running on Windows 10 will come to expect that the Vault Thin Client supports Microsoft Edge, so Autodesk should plan for the future by providing Microsoft Edge support with the Vault Thin Client now.  Continuing to expect customers to use a legacy internet browser sends the message that Autodesk is not interested in making software better for their customers as technology advances.  Companies who pay for Autodesk software expect to be provided up-to-date support and that includes compatibility with the default internet browser included with the supported operating system.

Community Manager

Thanks for submitting your idea.  Every year we do continue to evaluate supporting Microsoft Edge.  At this time we have found it to still be unstable and not have all the support the IE has today.  As it makes progress, we will continue to evaluate how we can support it.


Hi ihayesjr, there were a host of new features that came out for Microsoft Edge with the Anniversary Update for Windows 10 on August 2nd.  More information on the official blog post here:


What other features specifically does Autodesk need for Vault Thin Client support with Microsoft Edge?  I will make sure to do my part and upvote this feedback in the Windows 10 Feedback Hub.





Microsoft Edge is not available for any version of Windows I expect to use for the next 3 years.  Why waste development time on a browser not available to customers?


I don't see any reason to move from Windows 7 until January 14, 2020. 


Hi swalton,  The transition of companies moving from Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 to Windows 10 has already begun.  If a company waits until the very last day of extended support for either Windows 7 or Windows 8.1 to upgrade all of their workstations to Windows 10, they did not plan well enough ahead.  Microsoft Edge support for the Vault Thin Client is not for just all Windows 10 users in industry today, but also for the all the companies who will be running Windows 10 tomorrow, next week, next month, next year and onward. 


My suggestion is that Autodesk should plan to develop Microsoft Edge support for Vault Thin Client now, so that when the majority (>50%) of companies are finally running Windows 10, development will line up with the expectation of support.  If Microsoft Edge support for the Vault Thin Client is not released on time, companies may seek other alternatives.


ALL the major browsers need to be natively supported.  I frequently need to use extensions with Chrome to emulate IE and even then I get errors like "Autodesk® Design Review Browser Add-in is not available to display this content." or I get blank screens.  If I use native IE, it works.


How about now, any more thoughts from Autodesk on this subject?  Will Edge be supported in the near future?


Community Manager



There are no current plans to support the Edge browser in the near future.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Under Review

Autodesk needs to support the needs of its customers.  If customers are upgrading to Windows 10 and Microsoft wants you to use Edge, it seems like an easy decision to me.  Autodesk needs to support the customer and it does not hurt anyone by making sure that your products can be used on all the latest OS and web browsers.  I think these type of compatibility issues should always be addresses before any wishlist item.


John Weiss

CAD Manager

Follett Corporation

Community Manager
Status changed to: Future Consideration

This comes up often with clients especially during presales ... there is now a real demand for Chrome and Edge support.  Clients reaction to only supporting internet explorer is always "why"!


Chrome should be the minimum by now, anything else is a bonus!!!


this came up again in a meeting … Fusion Lifecycle is best used in Chrome,  A360 seems to work better in chrome … but vault thin client, please use something else … 

Community Manager
Status changed to: Accepted
Not applicable

This was all over the news yesterday.  Microsoft says IE is a compatibility tool and developers should use modern browsers.

Why shouldn’t I just keep doing what I have been doing?

So, why was it so important that we invert our approach to legacy? Because if we didn’t, you would end up in a predicament—and probably sooner than you think.

You see, Internet Explorer is a compatibility solution. We’re not supporting new web standards for it and, while many sites work fine, developers by and large just aren’t testing for Internet Explorer these days. They’re testing on modern browsers. So, if we continued our previous approach, you would end up in a scenario where, by optimizing for the things you have, you end up not being able to use new apps as they come out. As new apps are coming out with greater frequency, what we want to help you do is avoid having to miss out on a progressively larger portion of the web!



Community Manager
Status changed to: Implemented

This has been implemented and available now within Autodesk Vault 2020. Please check the help for more details:

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