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One more note: When you create the number scheme, you can create more than 10 complaints in the dialog for creating / editing the number scheme.Only when the dialog is closed with "OK" does the message appear that a maximum of 10 fields can be generated.
It would be helpful if you could not create more fields in the dialog than Vault really accepted.
PAS1192 (BIM level2 UK) has a requirement for 7 fields (13 incl. Delimiters) with a further 3 optional fields (5 inc. delimiters). So that's between 13 and 18 depending on the optional fields one is required to use (on a project by project basis)
As this is the standard for a large portion of future UK-based construction projects it seems short-sighted to not allow a naming convention / numbering scheme that doesn't comply with this standard.
While creating numbering schemes, I encountered this error which states that there is a limit (10) on the number of fields. I can work around this by merging a few fields together but it becomes less convenient for the end user later on. I was hoping that this limit could be increased, or removed if possible.