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The selection file process for the Replace tool during a Copy Design operation can be improved.
It has 2 major problems:
1) it doesn't have a Search Tool, and you have to browse the whole tree folder in order to find the file you are looking for
1) it forgets the last used directory, and you always have to restart from the beginning. If you have to Replace more files in the same Copy Design operation, this is very annoying
This is incredibly important for my company where we have folders with tens and in the future hundreds of thousands of files. The wait for the list to be populated is too long and it would help us immensely if copy design's replace window is replaced with something similar to the place from vault window in Inventor where you can search for the file you need. Please implement this simple feature as soon as possible.
Halfway through a long Copy Design and I the file I want to replace isn't where it should be. It's in the Vault somewhere, but not where I thought it was. How do I find it? It is not possible in-dialog while replacing a file.
Opening another instance of Vault does work, but so does putting my pants on backwards. I don't like doing either.
I know the list of to-dos is a mile long, but I'm hoping you keep working on this one too!
This idea has been implemented in Vault 2022.1 Update.
Select File dialogs in several workflows like Replace Workflow now have Folder View, My Short Cuts, My Saved Search and search capabilities included. Details see here: