What is the latest version / service pack for Inventor Server 2019?
Is it patched via the normal Inventor updates, or with the Vault updates?
Having patched both Inventor & Vault clients to the latest level (Inventor 2019.4.9 & Vault 2019.3.4) and also both Client & Server software on the ADMS server, we have noticed that any file that goes through the Job Processor comes back as a different Inventor version.
New file checked into Vault, iProperties indicate 'Created with’ 2019.4.9 and ‘Last Updated with 2019.4.9’
File state changed to ‘Released’ and picked up by the Job Processor (running on the Server)
‘Get’ file from Vault client
Updated file, iProperties indicate 'Created with’ 2019.4.9 and ‘Last Updated with 2019.1’
Same issue exists with 2021, Created with & Last Updated with both start as 2021.2, but the Last Update value drops to 2021 when Job Processor is involved
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