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CAD templates in upchain

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374 Views, 1 Reply

CAD templates in upchain

Is there a recommended workflow for handling of CAD templates using upchain? Coming from a Vault/PDM background, it was useful to have a folder that had part, assembly and drawing templates that could be released and rolled out automatically across users. I am setting up an instance of upchain to replace this vault functionality, is that an appropriate use case for upchain?

Message 2 of 2

Hello patrickDR4X5, great question. Yes you could create a public project and name it something like 'CAD templates', and in this project is where you would create and release the items that hold these templates. And as long as the project is public, then all of your users would be able to access these items and use them as their starting point. Here is a video tip that discusses a similar idea with standard part libraries. I hope that helps.

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