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Classification system - unique codes in Excel but still "conflicting code at row..."

Message 1 of 4
402 Views, 3 Replies

Classification system - unique codes in Excel but still "conflicting code at row..."


It looks like the classification system parses the values of the codes in an Excel file not correctly.

My test Excel file contains:
Code - Description - Level
Brug - Brug - 1
Brugballast - Brugballast - 1
Brugdeel - Brugdeel - 1
Brugdek - Brugdek - 1
Brugligger - Brugligger - 1
Combiwand - Combiwand - 1

So these are all unique codes but I get an error "Conflicting Code at row 3, 4, 5, 6".

See attached screenshots.


Message 2 of 4
in reply to: DonnyVA

Hi @DonnyVA


So the reason why you are encountering the errors is because Tandem simply does a prefix match, and the “codes” in line 3-6 all start with the one in line 2. 

image (2).png

So we recommend either coming up with distinct codes (generally a good idea) or considering making brug (bridge) a level one and all the other bridge things a level two category.


If you haven't already reviewed the Tandem Tuesday Tip - When Creating a Custom Classification System....., I recommend giving it a read. Attached to that same forum is an example of a classification system that will upload and one that won't, with explanations in the file.

Jessica Smith
Content Marketing Specialist, Autodesk Tandem
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Message 3 of 4
in reply to: DonnyVA

Hi Jessica,


Thank you for the link to the 'Tandem Tuesday Tip'.


The issue here is that I'm trying to implement an external, kind of, classification system (or OTL), developed by our agency responsible for road infrastructure.


More info about my example 'brug' can be found here:

I could create a level one 'Brug', but I would still need a level two 'Brug' or 'Brugdeel'...



So my only option would be to create some random/arbitrary distinct codes and use 'Brug' or 'Brugdeel' as the description?


Message 4 of 4
in reply to: DonnyVA

Hi @DonnyVA ,


My suggestion would be to add a number or letter prefix in front of the codes you have already listed. 


Here is one example. In this particular case, I added the second double digits in the event that a level 2 or more is needed for any of these.



Jessica Smith
Content Marketing Specialist, Autodesk Tandem
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