Dear, Softimage Ice berther and sister. i need help on creating smoke in softimage ice.
-1(Shading & Looks) Now my smoke is very flat, No volume and No shading. i have
in crease the Particle Density and Ambient Ambient Occlusion in the Render
Tree. But still not good.
-2(Trail life) How do i makes the smoke trail to slowly die or fade off and
i have try using set Particle Age Limit. and the result just like wiping..
same like after effect masking which i did wanted. Old version softimage
particle got lift time set up, what do it call in XSI ice?
-3(Particle re-act to object) - Ho do it use a object to push and blow away
the tails like the video i send. the smoke now i have is stiff when the man
move back and nothings happen to the smoke trail.
Pls email ur feedback to