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Duplicate/Preview window like Photoshop

Duplicate/Preview window like Photoshop

When drawing in PS, I always have a duplicate window in the other monitor at 100% or 50% zoom so that I can "step back" and see how things look in gestalt. That way I don't have to zoom in and out and re-rotate as much.

Even something like the dinky preview window would work, though I like just having it be a a simple window

I much prefer sketching in Sketchbook, but when working on a fiddly bit, like the precise angle of the eye or somesuch, I end up rotating the canvas, making a mark or two, zooming to fit, Undo-ing the mark, zooming back in, re-rotating, then repeating, until I get it just so.
Between the history window and the duplicate window, these are the two features I really miss from Photoshop.
secondary windowsecondary window

1 Comment

I agree. I use sketchbook on my laptop and I use 3rd party software to make time-lapse recordings since the time-lapse feature isn't available on the desktop version of sketchbook. The time-lapses are sometimes hard to watch because of all of the zooming and panning I do while working. If I was able to open a preview window, then I could just record that window and no one would get dizzy watching me zoom in and out.

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